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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. With Linkin Park Media down and currently no sign of it coming back up I decided to create a similar website, but it works on a similar fashion to how requesting/submitting shows works here on LPL. You can sign up on the forums, post all your Linkin Park shows or you can request shows because someone might have the shows you'd like. If you are familiar with the how the system works here then you will have no trouble about understanding how this forum works. You can post to any shows or request them, make sure it fulfills the requirements I have posted on the forums already.


    So please head on over the Linkin Park Downloads, sign up and submit your collection, and build your collection.

  2. I love the idea about the Radio. It would be awesome to get live streaming audio when I come on here. I also don't like the idea of a flash player.


    I think that a Fort Minor theme should really be available, I would also love to see an 8-Bit Rebellion design. I would also love to see a design for the new single (once the album cover is released in a large HD size).

  3. Thats a load of bull.

    Also, The Catalyst seems to be the date, because remember when someone from Warner leaked to us the first single would be August 2nd? That was only something we could hope for, until the new message said the same release date. Therefore The Catalyst isn't speculation, it must be true.

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