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Posts posted by jFar

  1. I'd just like to say, incase someone needs one (or many) of the demos, I'm 99% sure I have every directly Linkin Park related one in as high of quality as possible MP3's (some aren't the highest quality, but the highest you can find anywhere)

  2. In The End & Esaul (Demos) was totally unnecessary in LPU11

    I think Esaul was different than others we had, but yes, In the End was just Untitled with a random bass note at the end. Forgotten on LPU12 was just Rhinestone, but Points of Authority was slightly different
  3. At the time I played, it was really laggy, took forever to load, and seemed really unfinished. You could change your character gender by just right clicking the game. I don't really remember any music, but I remember the dialog text noise, I think. I might take another look now that it's out for more people now

  4. This is quite a huge bump, but recently I've found out how to view the game's image files for everything, and since the game recently had some updates (that took 2 years), I took a look at it and found some leftover stuff


    Posted Image

    Both have the label "Whitney-from-MFR", the second being the one used and contains "v2". The design changed a lot, unlike the other images left behind that have "v2". The newer one is basicly just a recolor of Jess, or the other way around


    Posted Image

    I didn't notice this one at first then it really stood out, it's not in the style of either the "8-bit" or HD characters, it seems to be a hybrid of each type. It's name is "Foxy_Lady"

    • The band chose "Linkin Park" as the alternate spelling of "Lincoln Park" so they would be next to Limp Bizkit in record stores.
    I'm pretty sure this isn't true since Mike posted on his blog once that they changed the spelling because LincolnPark.com was taken
  5. I just received my LPU11 package last friday, everything is fine, but the back of the CD case is broken :/


    Anyone having this issue ? The DBS album I won had a broken CD case too.

    I broke a CD case once, but the good thing is, you can take any CD case from a different CD you might not listen to, take all the papers inside them, and move the broken one to there. But that won't work to well if the case is signed
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