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Posts posted by jFar


    Hmm, strange. What about FLAC rips from the CD? Aren't they the same quality as FLAC on bandcamp?


    I asked someone that has a confirmed real We Major CD and it's an MP3 CD, all being 320kbps. I'm not sure if all We Major CDs are like that, though, they said it wasn't a normal CD. I figured it might be the most common, since LPLive's download is only 320kbps and most of the downloads here are flac

  2. Is this source of We Major actually any better than the average 320kbps download (like the one on LPLive's downloads)? https://celphtitled.bandcamp.com/album/we-major


    I'd be willing to pay for the "lossless" versions, I just wanna know if they actually are or just converted mp3's to fit that site's standards or something


    Edit: Ignore me, I'm a dipshit, it says it right on the page. Anyways, is it common knowledge then that there's an official lossless version for pretty cheap?

  3. They weren't meant to be on the same level of Live in Texas or Road to Revolution where they were special shows intended for everyone to enjoy, it was more intended for the people that attended the specific shows. I wouldn't want to buy a show that played a similar or the same setlist that I went to, I'd want to buy the one that I actually went to

  4. I found one of the alternate endings, best quality I've found, unfortunately it has VH1 stuff over it:




    Still a million times better than the first result that shows up on Google: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbJkOJwFOnU


    Here's the director's cut:




    Also not the best quality, but not too bad. Pretty good considering I don't think it ever got an official release

  5. I already admitted I overreacted after I posted it. I wasn't going to go back and edit it and pretend I didn't say it though.


    What I said also wasn't meant to be a jab at any LP fan sites. The amount of traffic you get and how long you've been running is amazing, and I highly appreciate the exclusives you guys come across. I've even somewhat helped Derek with some CSS stuff before on his other site. And I highly agree that the way that LPU had been handled in the past did push people away (although I joined in 8 and remember it being pretty lively then, 100% agree with the LPUX part). The people I quoted also weren't entirely people I thought don't support the band, someone had just said they saw no talk at all about illigiamate listening and I was pointing it out, I did notice some said they bought the package. I just feel like sharing the LPU exclusive content not even a few days after it released isn't really fair. I understand you didn't upload it yourself, but you're still supporting that illegal upload and unfair spread of stuff LPU members DO pay for. No, the fan sites aren't responsible for the possible demise of LPU, and I never said that, I was just saying that the attention your post made is nothing to what the LPU actually receives


    Also Astat, I believe you're also overreacting yourself, and just because it's through someone else and it's not technically pirating, it's still wrong and LPU still isn't getting support from it

  6. How you so sure that LPU is slowly dying fanclub? 15 years of LPU, 15 years people downloading illegaly yet, the LPU is still one of the biggest and successful fan club worldwide.


    Regarding LPLive posted the LPU tracks on FB, those songs already leaked/uploaded on YT and if LPL didnt share it, sooner or later people will found it too.


    About LPU forum and fansite, well LPU forum is strictly for LPU members meanwhile other fansite is open for everyone. Which one better? I'll say other fansite such as LPL & LPA. It's free and everyone in those website are interesting to talk and discuss too.


    Sorry bout my long post. \m/


    The website at the very least is dying. Years ago the forums and chat were filled, now the forums get like 10 posts a day usually by the same handful of people, and the chat is empty 99% of the time. Mike even used to stop by these. I guess it was a bit of a jump to say the entire fanclub is dying based on how many people I see at shows, just the online stuff, which in my opinion is a big chunk of it. Yes this stuff has been going on from the beginning most likely, but with how popular YouTube is these days, not only for the CDs, but for the LPUTV, too, I feel it's more harming now than it was 10 years ago.


    Also, the forums aren't LPU only. There's 4 or 5 LPU only sections that are barely used, everything else is free


    We can't ban people or even delete posts just because they're sharing their thoughts here about what they're going to do outside the forum. If anything, I prefer that if someone is disappointed (and choosing not to buy it) to share here or somewhere else why he feels that way, so it'll have a chance to get noticed by the LPU management.


    Btw, at least 4 out the 5 members you quoted supports/supported the band in one way or another, so maybe you shouldn't judge people based on one post. Just a suggestion.


    I wasn't going on a "BAN THE NONBELIEVERS" thing, I just feel like people should at least keep it to themselves if they are going to listen to the CD illegally.


    You're just trying to stir up something.


    Says the person that said "Overreaction and preachiness level: TripleXero"

  7. I didn't come here trying to start an argument, and I realize I might have gotten a little jumpy with my post, but it sucks when you pay for and support a seemingly slowly dying fanclub to watch others announce without regret that they just will find the music elsewhere because they don't want to support one of their favorite bands themselves, especially with a price drop this year.


    It's nice that your Facebook got a lot of activity, but it's most likely because you guys readily posted LPU exclusive content and you're one of the biggest Linkin Park fansites, so it caught on quick. You could have easily linked the 30 second preview LPU offers for free and probably gotten a similar response.


    I don't think you realize how much discussion LPL and LPA gets. I think I can safely say this site as a whole gets more activity daily than the LPU forum gets in weeks, including the free sections. It's disappointing to hang out there and see that unofficial fansites are more popular than the official site. And I'm not saying I dislike LPL or LPA, I've been members on both sites for years.

  8. I'm not misunderstood, and I'm not overreacting.


    Counting down the minutes until a stream...


    Why would you do that? you can still download the cd somewhere else.


    i just did, but requested the CD instead of digital download. looking for the DD from someone here hopefully b/c i can't wait!


    You can check out the whole album on YouTube. Few account has uploaded it.


    i don't want to buy bundle because:


    i don't like this t-shirt

    i don't like this laminate

    i don't need this guitar pick

    cd is already in internet



    so i prefer digital membership :P



  9. I'm really surprised by how many of you blatantly announce you pirate the LPU CDs. Support the band and the fanclub for fucks sake, otherwise it's probably not going to be around much longer. Super disappointed whoever runs the LPLive social media also supports this piracy, too.

  10. MP3 download? Not trying to pay money for something that old that's only a demo and unreleased.


    I can understand your argument if you are not a hardcore fan, regular fans don't give a fuck about demos and bsides.


    Still, it's a dollar. You can find that much money between the cushions of your couch or in a junk drawer. It's cheaper than what iTunes offers for songs usually, too. There's really no reason to not pay for it unless you physically have to ability to due to lack of credit card, and even then, the whole song is playable on the site.


    Back to the song itself, it sounds pretty interesting, and this was very unexpected! Thanks for posting it! Although, what's with their MSPaint coverart for the song?

  11. I'm almost positive, I'll check now though


    EDIT: One might have slightly louder echos (that's the main difference between these demos and the final), but that might just be because one of the two is just completely louder in general. Otherwise I heard no differences. They're basically the same length, too, besides the Unmastered having silence at the end

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