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Everything posted by Numbrocker

  1. lol I had the same reaction. Checked the clue first and then the picture. I'm now going to be really mad if it's Maroon 5, but they're using picture of LP for the the clues.
  2. Seems like Maroon 5 or LP, Meet in school, first show at Whiskey a Go Go, Grammy winning bands, prize is in California. The only things that Maroon 5 has going for them is that they really are still on tour, and LP just ended there's, and HCT made note to wish Adam Levine a Happy Birthday, but missed all 6 LP members.
  3. This. I'd be really surprised. The last known time they said it besides the Echo awards, to my knowledge, is the Vegas show. The show was promoted to be the only US show in 2013 and Mike said it during the show. Also Sean said that it would be the only show of the year. So at least as of February I don't believe they had plans to do HCT because I doubt they'd lie. I have no idea how long it takes to put a tour together, but if they are in fact doing HCT it was an extremely last minute type thing. As a US fan I'd LOVE for this to be LP, but it is weird that they were so adamant about it not happening. Then again, Chester said in an interview last year that they WERE going to another US tour, so really who the heck knows what's going on, lol.
  4. As of right now I haven't heard of it being anywhere but on facebook. LP is app friendly so they might. They're still only in Beta test for the game. It's a bit strange to see the Mike character frowning so much since he's such a happy person, lol. Well the only music so far was in the intro part before you hit play, but yeah no music during the actual game yet.
  5. Cool, what do you think of the game? The instrumentals being used sound like it's from the band.
  6. Linkin Park's new facebook game, Recharge, has been sending emails to those who signed up for the closed beta testing. The tagline for the game is "Humanity is at a turning point. Defeat the Hybrid Domination. Restore the Planet's resources." Your character is part of the resistance against the "Hybrids" taking over the world. A very basic Beta is available at the moment. Anyone else get a code or interested in the game?
  7. Got lucky and am dog sitting a friend who has an Xbox. The video with Chester talking about what he and Mike were thinking about COG was cool. I would have liked it to have been a LPTV. The Ultimate Fan Quiz was cool. It was much harder than what I anticipated, but still got the 5/5. Definitely not for the causal fan, and there was one question that every LPL member should answer in about .35 seconds. Update: MSC got the video of Chester talking about COG.
  8. Anything from the Meteora World Tour And while not pre2007, I forever live in hope that the ATS Release Show will be released to us. I remember Pooch said they recorded it. I'm guessing the problem was with the venue.
  9. I think this is a fantastic idea! I'd love to get a bootleg of shows before 2007, like from the Meteora World Tour. I hope management and co realize just how many fans truly would appreciate this.
  10. I'm going to be surprised if anyone votes for In The End on this site. To play Devil's Advocate for a minute, there are a lot of pros to ITE. 1) The crowd LOVES IT 2) Sing a long on the bridge is one of my favorite parts of the show 3) Mike going down to the barricade and singing with the crowd. In Vegas I got Mike right in front of me and that was really cool. HOWEVER, I would have voted for APFMH in a heartbeat even knowing that I wouldn't have Mike there. And I did vote for APFMH in this poll. It's just a better song live. I still think that it should be in at least one setlist because In The End is arguably their most well known song.
  11. Not jumping on the "get rid of Numb" bandwagon yet because I still argue that song gets more of a response then the majority of the set, but if they were to something like a Set A: APFMH/Numb and Set B: In The End/PowerlessorI'llBeGone, I'd be cool with that. You guys should tweet the band (Mike, Chester, Joe, Phoenix) how much you liked the change!
  12. Thanks so much Kurtis! I updated the main post, and Mark will come clean it up when he can. It's weird that they dropped Victimized/QWERTY. Maybe it was like Pez said, people just didn't react to it. Even in Vegas a lot of people didn't seem to know Mike's part of Victimized. This is still a badass setlist. I don't think dropping V/Q hurt it. Here's the picture
  13. Huh I wonder what went wrong for POA. Glad that they got to hear APFMH after so long! I always love shows ending with OSC. Set B is so epic.
  14. That's so strange that someone would get all of Chester's tattoos, especially the ones of his family. And I think Chester was more upset at the fact that only reason that people would get similar tattoos to him is that he thinks there should be a deeper meaning to it. Good article though. I always did wonder if he thought about actually doing some tattooing himself. That is crazy pressure to know that your work will last a long time, potentially the rest of that person's life. I did laugh at the last bit. I couldn't imagine what that fan would do if Chester did laser and redo some of his stuff.
  15. You guys are so awesome! I can't wait to watch this later!!
  16. I assume he means it hasn't been played in full in Australia since 2003.
  17. I think LP has shown that the shorter tour agrees with them more. I think the quality of shows in 2012/2013 are much higher then 2011. Plus pretty sure their wives would argue vehemently against that schedule. I'm sure though that they will do something else in 2014, tour or not, because the band (Mike especially) likes to work a lot. They said that their new idea was to tour less, but get an album out faster. So maybe they are going to the studio in 2014/late 2013. Also while this tour was shorter, they did hit a lot of significant places, South America, South Africa, New Zealead, etc.. And I'm sure they'll play the rest of Living Things (with maybe the exception of UIB because it's so funky). Plus the US technically did get COG live in Vegas, though IMO I'd drop it for IBG. COG really slows it down. That or drop the Medley.
  18. I don't remember when Mike said it, but he must have because it was in the back of my mind while I was in Vegas. Sean also said new setlist. So really Shinoda kind of dropped the ball here because if they hadn't changed the setlist then they could have argued what I said before. One song difference does not make a new set, but not gonna lie, I didn't expect too much in Vegas. Was really just hoping for IBG. I think it's because they spaced out their touring, and did less of it, that it seems so off right now. Like I was honestly surprised at the fact that they didn't hit anywhere twice 2012/2013, and how long it's been for NZ. I'm not going to be disappointed until their new album tour. Maybe they'll do another Europe/US for Living Things that will cover the other 5 songs in 2014. There doesn't seem to be any indication that after Japan they're heading back to the studio. However, if that's the case then I'll be the first person bitching lol. But I think I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for right now. And I said this in the Summer Sonic thread, keep in mind that the band is mostly made up of dads now, and Jim and Sean have kids too. I think shorter tours are going to be the norm from now on.
  19. Just did a quick check and this will be the first time NZ and Japan would see these setlists, as the band hasn't been back in years. So why would they create a new setlist? I mean NZ hasn't even seen ATS, so they missed out on WTCFM, The Messenger, Wretches and Kings, etc.., Japan's last setlist was the awful nonsense from 2011. Until they hit the states or Europe again, the band has no real reason to change the setlists. Which the way the scheduling is going I think will be a while. Definitely 2014 for the US.
  20. I have now gone to three shows without a DSP. I really wish you guys could have heard all the talking the band did. And I wanted to listen to some things I missed.
  21. Thanks so much! Added it to the main post and RT'd.
  22. Adam said they're going to try and live stream this Summit tomorrow. I put some times in the main post to help you figure it out. I'm going off what he listed on the LP Livestream account. So who's gonna watch?
  23. Holy mackerel I can't believe it's been seven years. Maybe they will, but I'm not going to hold my breath. More likely I would think is that Mike will continue doing the hundreds of things he does, and the rest of the band will just chill with their family. Remember that 4/6 of them are dads, a lot of them with little kids.
  24. In case people were curious, people were already lined up when I got to PH (at 5:30am) and only 85 of the hundreds lined up got a wrist band to see the band. They also had the LPU M&G there before the Club Tattoo people. From what I heard it was both good and bad. Obviously they had to go quick because the show started at 9pm (and they actually started at 9 on the dot). So some people somehow didn't get the whole band to sign things, while others got a chance to chat a bit. I don't think it was worth my barricade spot, but a lot of people enjoyed it.
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