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Posts posted by Derbyster

  1. I'm just hoping a good DVD pops up from one of these shows that was shot by a taper who actually knows how to film a damn show - I'm sick of looking at Youtube videos from this tour and finding nothing but videos that focus solely on Chester. I thought people who recorded LP shows were terrible about that, but the DBS fans are easily ten times worse.

    well Chester is god on stage obviously, so it's fine.

  2. fire as opening was killer.

    Into you as my fav song was awesome+chester came in front of me at the faster part of the song

    Let down= "next song is called let down so if you wanna sing along with us, please do" + crowd singing refrain part= win obviously

    My suffering= i shouted my guts out during the refrain parts and crowd seemed to do that as well so that was awesome as well.


    but overall almost every song rocked in a way and great atmosphere and nice intimate show. and yeah lol@ chester OSC

  3. Woops, must've been distracted by those annoying fuckers fighting for Chester's shirt for 3 songs. Idiots.

    that was so epic. It was a towel in my opinion. I was relately close by, but was like "heck with it" and enjoyed the show, which was incredible obviously.
  4. Hmm, dunno about the others, but Brussels was a small gig (some site I read about 400 people standing). The ticket site said last tickets, 2 or 3 days before, and it was pretty packed...

    Chester said during the Brussels concert(before Too Late)"thanks for selling this place out. It's a honour to play with you guys":D, but yeah the venue was uber tiny, which was great for me, as the show was so intimate:D

  5. just came back from the Brussels show....awesome stuff. Most epic night of my life. Love DBS way more than LP at the moment. Especially comparing the Pori(Finland) gig to the Brussels one.

    Chester is god on stage with DBS:D

  6. I am going to ze epic Brussels show...

    I am planning to make some pictures during the latter part of Let Down, where chester likes to do spins on the stage, so that's how you recognize me.

  7. Yes, but you gotta consider that we live in Europe. I have the feeling the promotion over here was better than in the States, and that is also why the guys are more successful over here and do more shows here.

    you meant to say that you live in Germany and that's why you have the feeling the promotion was good:), because that was basically the only country where promotion existed(UK maybe too)
  8. Bottom line: Until we can hear the record and make our own judgements, anything that comes out of the mouth of any of the band members that attempts to describe it can be taken with a huge grain of salt. Look at everything that was said about how MTM sounded vs. what it actually sounded like.

    I wasn't active in the LP scene when MTM came out. Where people on forums extremely disappointed about the album when it was released?

  9. he could have asked just that..."What did you all think of the DBS album? Positivity and negativity is all welcome."

    Well, he basically asked liked that, so what's the problem?


    Thanks for all of the great input. I truly appreciate the honesty in which you all answered my questions. You are all awesome! Goodnight :)


    Or is everybody downloading illeagaly? Honesty please...

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