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Posts posted by Derbyster

  1. U2 and madonna can still sell out any venue even though they have brought out nothing but crap the last few years, its because they established them self in the 80's and 90's with big albums and thus got a huge following and became 'household names'. LP has only been around for a decade since HT, so you cant really expect them to be able to get draw 50000+ people anywhere.

    And even though lp are very energetic live, chesters voice just aint that good live, some people want the band they support to sound exactly like they do on the albums.

    Are you kidding me?
  2. well for example when i heard new divide for the first time i thought it was a total let down.

    Now i like it a lot, but as Across the lines is like my favourite song right after listening it for the first time, wonder how much will I like it in the future:)

  3. Initial feelings: not THAT pumped up about the album i have to say. Definitely some great songs, but i guess a bit too dark for me.

    Top 3 songs(yeah, all slower songs):


    wtf @intro?

    2.Into You

    had all the elements needed for a great song, maybe even better than WIC

    <---->(bigger gap after WIC and IY)

    3.Too Late

    love the beat in the background:D


    Let Down sounded pretty bad(the chorus repeated way too much in the end)

    Condemned suprised me a bit, but some lyric parts were inconvenient for me to listen.("suicide" "kill me" etc)



  4. Hey Brad – so you're sitting backstage in Finland at the moment?


    Finland, at the Sonisphere festival. It's very metal. Except for us.


    made me laugh for some reason

    well, it was totally true:D

    lamb of god and stuff like that performing before them:)

  5. need more interviews from Finland!

    "What does Linkin Park do backstage?


    I just did an interview where I was asked whether I drink beer or whisky, and I was sad to reveal that I’m pounding spring water."


    any links of that interview?

  6. Thank god for college! :) I got back from class and 10 mins later, Chester is on. [AndOne] told me and I was like...wow. They kinda need to announce it on LP.com or something when this happens.

    If it isn't classified, what do LP fans study @ college these days :rolleyes: ?

    just curious


    or What do you study? :P (to be straightforward)

  7. Let's see...Dead By Sunrise was officially announced as an act at Sonisphere, so yes, they did pay for them. It was also confirmed well in advance that they'd be performing as part of Linkin Park's set, so it's their fault for not knowing. I also hear few, if any, similarities to Green Day.


    But then again, it's a UK show. Nowhere else in the world will you find people who think it's acceptable to piss in a bottle and throw it at people on stage, so logical thinking and researching the show they bought tickets for is probably too much to expect of them.

    nice rant

  8. Linkin Park were actually amazing, again.

    Session got everyone excited, and Given Up really let out everyone's energy (since I'd been waiting 11 hours for Linkin Park to come on stage, being at the front).

    All the songs until Bleed It Out were pretty amazing, really good on everyone's part, especially Chester's. Bleed It Out started with the drum solo and went straight to the rapping which I thought was a nice change, and BTH piano intro was a pleasure to hear live. DBS wasn't received well by most people, because they didn't know what it was, but I enjoyed Crawl Back In and My Own Suffering, both quite heavy songs, especially the latter.

    New Divide as an encore opener was fantastic. Since it was their newest song, and Mike came on with the long synth beat, it got the place mad. Faint got everyone moshing like hell, and OSC was just the best way to close!

    (Heaven And Hell, too, were pretty awesome).


    would have wanted to be there

    "Faint got everyone moshing like hell" reminded me of Road to Revolution instantly.

  9. Yeah numb needs to be stripped down and they need to stop playing loatr and soad which probably won't ever happen cause they're singles.


    I just hope for some more energy songs.


    if they dropped even one of those two(LOATR and SOAD) it would be good and yep, numb is getting really boring already:D

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