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About Reanimate

  • Birthday 05/06/1992

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Lexington, KY Feb 2008

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  • Location
    Prestonsburg, Kentucky

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567 profile views
  1. Definitely some interesting notes made in some of the descriptions. Excited to see and or hear how it all goes down.
  2. Not feeling this album at all.
  3. For those that have heard it already. How is the quality of "Stick n Move" is it better?
  4. I'll tweet it.
  5. Happy birthday HT!!! One of the reasons, if not THE reason, I do music today.
  6. I have researched this a few times in the past....And have came up with nothing.
  7. Interesting.
  8. Well I really wanted to hear more about the track, I figured he would give us a good story on it. Oh well.
  9. Thanks man. Lplive is a great site.

  10. Reanimate


    lol nope. I actually thought I made an account on here awhile back, but I dont remember it. But anyway, I lurk here everyday, just figured I would go ahead and make an acc and post in the forums.
  11. Welcome to LPLive! :) Glad to see you joined man.

  12. Reanimate


    I sure wonderz what it iz? . Cant wait to see. Gotta give it up for LPLIVE for doing things like this for the fans and the community.
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