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About Paigeinpark

  • Birthday June 17

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    alt rock in general, cd collecting

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  1. i mean yeah but its not on any album by the band. the band did other songs for movies (such as Joe Hahn's mall) but that is the only song they still perfom live, going as far as being included on Paper cuts.
  2. man if i cant wait like 10 days for a song to release whats even the point lmfaooooo
  3. i mean, technically New Divide is also a non album single all we have is a 5 sseconds preview so far lmaoo
  4. welcome back Forgotten 🙏
  5. here's an video on how it sounds like. by yours truly :3c
  6. taking a shot here but my guess is that they would release the bonus songs alongside the "live in brazil/são paulo" movies this year. i could totally see it being an live album pulling songs from both shows + bonus tracks lol
  7. im talking about the part on 1:43. its definely scratching as it has pitch manipulation (its low on the mix but you should be able to hear it on headphones) where? i may have missed it
  8. i knew he scratched on the bridge, but the subtle scratching on the breakdown is sick as hell and i wish it was louder on the mix it sounds like theres weird synth scratching on Overflow, alongside with the vocal scratches in the acapella so, final list: Cut The Bridge Casualty Overflow Two Faced IGYEIH songs im not too sure on: Heavy Is The Crown (even on instrumental i have no idea if its actual scratching or just synth glitches) [edit: talking about the high synth on 1:50] really cool Mr Hahn went all out on using scratches on this album (even if its subtle) after two whole albums of not using them at all lol
  9. have they ever made music videos for any non-single? id guess on the ATS but i cant remember tbh i feel like the two songs that could have MVs would either be Good Things Go (a fan favorite) or maybe Casualty (first non single to be played live)
  10. "i wouldnt doubt they would end up releasing a "From Zero - Instrumentals & Acapellas" album like they did with LT and THP" god i love being right lol
  11. my bet is that it will probably be something acoustic or a stripped down pérfomance with less instruments. maybe Emily on guitar, Mike on Bass and Colin on drums lol
  12. the acapellas got released, and Hahn does some subtle scratching on the vocals of Overflow, most obvious being around 3:06 Hahn did a lot of vocals scratching on ATS, so its likely a call back to that
  13. Hybrid Theory to ATS all had instrumental albums. but nothing official afaik and i think FZ will get its instrumental album released too, its not a far fetch since The Emptiness Machine had its instrumental on the CD single lol
  14. people yearn for Forgotten with HT turning 25 this year i would love for them to perfom more Underrated songs. the original Pushing Me Away, By Myself and of course Forgotten other underrated songs they could bring back: Easier To Run (only played live in 2003) Don't Stay Nobody's listening could be a part of Mike's solo too just give War its live debut already god damnit
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