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  1. Do we really think that Mike and Company wrote a song about Mike and Company writing a song and the world not taking it the right way, while trying to get the ol’ bandmates to hang out and make music again together? Like, “ hey guys, what should we write a song about?” “ let’s write about how the world isn’t going to like us when we return to the mainstream.” 😂
  2. Edit: the big Mac analogy is probably the real one though.
  3. Given the fact that all of the band members are doing different every day jobs in the video, I take the emptiness machine to refer to the world, or the corporate world, or at the very least the expectations put on us by society. I also thought it could be referring to the Internet, in the sense where people on the Internet want to get famous and be liked by everyone, and when they finally reach that point of fame and status, they realize that it was empty because not only did they lose themselves in order to impress the world (given themselves fully up to criticism, slander, and hyperanalysis of their character, etc.) but also they have no fulfillment in the end, thus, emptiness. As far as the working world idea though, that one is a little bit less deep I would say. Maybe it’s about not being fulfilled by the mundane tasks that society presses on you, get a job, go to school, have 2 1/2 kids, that sort of thing. But I would argue that the fame one is probably more impactful. I’m sure this can be interpreted in a lot of different ways, which is what LP loves to do with their songwriting.
  4. Lol Colin Farrell, Lily Collins, and last but not least Colin Brittain
  5. My brain kept thinking "You're guilty all the same !!!!"
  6. Without turning this into a complicated argument, both might be more difficult than you could assume! Not making any justifications for people’s mistakes, but until you’re in that first person position to enter/exit a cult, and/or have an affair with someone that isn’t your spouse, judgment should be reserved I think. Once again, not justifying any wrongdoings, but just making light of how it’s probably best to not compare different mistakes in terms of ease of avoiding, without having been there yourself, if I’m not mistaken.
  7. Can we maybe just accept that we’re all inherently flawed and make mistakes?? That being said, if Emily admitted to her wrongdoing, and we just need to forgive her and move past it, and then so be it. But if the band is trying to look past a really big elephant in the room, and is afraid to address it because it could put their career at stake, then they seriously need to speak up.
  8. Thoughts? Is it Mike still talking about how record executives doubted him 25+ years ago? I’m just half joking 😂. But real thoughts?
  9. guys its been like 2 days, I'm sure the band will speak on it at some point
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