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  1. How is Overflow less a single material than Catalyst? It has a Travis Scott/ Twenty One Pilots vibe that sounds like it could have done very well on the chart. Tbh all songs on FZ sound like they could be singles.
  2. Give them time. They’ve been back not even for a year after nearly a decade hiatus. I don’t think they want to compete with anyone. Moreover at this point in their career, it’s incredible that they’re still doing this well. Let’s not forget how well FZ fare compared to them new bands. Not one of them can even get close to that level of success. In other words I’m just happy that we even get new music. They could have just called it quit after Chester passed and kept releasing unreleased stuff but we’ve been with new stuff after new stuff in only six months.
  3. Why do I have a feeling that they’ll give us more than just one single? Maybe From Zero could be like a series of concept albums similar to Post Human: Survival Horror & Post Human: Nex Gen by BMTH. Sounds unlikely but one can only hope.
  4. I agree not releasing GTG as a single is a huge missed opportunity. But this song is awesome, especially from the bridge onwards.
  5. The more I listen to the song, the more I feel like it was written as a response to Jaime’s shenanigans. Especially the bridge verse, sounds like his description.
  6. Yes, it got that pop-punk/electro vibe from their ‘amo’ era. Some elements sound similar to tracks like ‘medicine’ or ‘mother tongue’.
  7. Is it only me or does it sound more like modern Bring Me The Horizon rather than old Paramore?
  8. I don’t see how a PT song could have had a crazy high-noted vocal, atmospheric Program-esque (Meteora demo) clean riffs. Sure Mike’s raps and the octaves in the third verse sound like PT, but in my opinion that’s where the similarities end.
  9. For me it’s Good Things Go. They’d make a great mistake if they don’t choose it as a single and make a proper music video for it. That song will blow off the charts.
  10. Don’t get me wrong, I like the song and I don’t have any problem with it being a single. It’s just that the last two songs are very powerful and have that “classic LP sound” with the familiar vocal interplay with Mike. Personally, I would release it after the album’s out and instead release a hard-hitting rock song to minimize the controversy. I feel like a 2010-pop-rock sounding Emily-only song would just be a bigger bait for the casual listeners and doubters to say “see this isn’t LP.” With that said I hope you’re right and this will turn out to be another success.
  11. I don’t understand this choice. I mean I like it personally but given how divisive the fanbase is now, wouldn’t it be wiser to wait for everyone to be more comfortable with the lineup before releasing songs like this as singles? I can totally see more hate coming but I hope I’m wrong.
  12. Yeah silly me. Still I really hope he will show up just for TV appearances and promos. Miss seeing him with his headphone 😅
  13. Didn’t he still travel with the band to help with setting up though? I thought I saw him in few photos behind the stage with Emily on instagram
  14. I really hope Brad at least will show up for official TV appearances to play with the band. I mean touring is one thing, surely playing one or two songs shouldn’t be a problem for him.
  15. I feel like it’s about the band’s expectation of the inevitable backlash from fans and music critics when they finally to reunite. Eventhough all they want to do is moving forward and be true to themselves, people will keep on shitting on them no matter what they do.
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