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Everything posted by thor3

  1. in my opinion Over Each Other would've better if it was acoustic rather the One More Light production.
  2. that's how it always is with new songs. takes time to digest it. I didn't like Over Each Other when i first heard it, now it's one of my favorites.
  3. Well, best get use to it because Emily is here to stay
  4. you just named their entire catalogue lol
  5. My dream setlist Papercut Lying From You Heavy is the Crown From the Inside New Divide The Emptiness Machine Burn it Down Waiting for the End Good Things Go (after WFTE would be AMAZING) CASTLE OF GLASS Joe and Mike solo Shadow of the Day (PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!!) Breaking the Habit Stained Crawling Somewhere I Belong What I've Done Over Each Other Invisible Keys to the Kingdom Points of Authority Two Faced In The End Numb (with original intro, too iconic of an intro to not be played that way, sorry Numb/Encore) Faint One Step Closer Bleed it Out
  6. to think i'll be seeing them in September is beyond belief. 2024 needs to end already!!
  7. what? i was hoping they perform something like Heavy to fuck with the crowd lol
  8. gotta save up for my tickets!!
  9. i loved it. so different than their usuals Joe Hahn videos with New Divide effects
  10. miss him and the iconic headphones lol
  11. that's why she was the perfect chose. someone who is not like Chester but can sing like Chester, if that makes sense.
  12. not gonna lie, i got a little teary-eyed on Good Things Go after the 2nd listen. Just reminiscing on the past and i think i'm ready for the future of Linkin Park.
  13. 2024 is definitely Linkin Park's year and i love it!
  14. lol these comments are getting weird, i'll come back when the album drops. see yall the 15th!! 👋
  15. got a bunch of 10 year olds in these comments fr
  16. LP9 before GTA6? Let's Go!!!
  17. songs i wouldn't mind them dropping (the catalyst, Mike and Joe's solo, Castle of Glass, Friendly Fire).
  18. are we expecting another song as well? i hope they don't perform or debut anymore songs to be honest.
  19. fuckin exactly!! that's why after 17 years they're still one of my favorite bands, because you'll never know what to expect each album. and that's what i love about them. love listening to Hybrid Theory and then ATS after. the difference in those album is what makes the band enjoyable to listen to. (plus, nu metal isn't even all that to begin with don't know why people want it so much)
  20. After a lot of listening i think the song is okay, not great but not bad. The only thing that i wish could've been better are the drums. i don't know but it feels.... off. i'm no music expert by any means but i feel the drums are the heartbeat of a song and if it's lacking in the department, the song suffers imo. For now it's my least favorite of the 3 releases.
  21. we kinda did with Sorry For Now, if you consider Chester's part rapping. so it's possible 😀
  22. i think the band has learn a long time ago that you can't please everyone.
  23. Would be insane if by the end of the scavenger hunt of all the lyrics the song is release. Maybe earlier before the video?
  24. hoping for something more melodic to showcase Emily's softer side. we got to hear the heavy side with HITC so we'll see with this one 🤞
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