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  1. I could be far off track but I feel like a bit of the backlash is also rooted in sexism against Emily along with the 'issues'. As its been mentioned a lot here she denounced him, I find the argument around the lack of using his name weird. Everyone knew who she meant. We've also seen the story of Dave Grohl this morning cheating on his wife and fathering a baby with another woman. Yet I see the discourse for him as 'we all make mistakes', 'humans are complicated'. I know they're not specifically comparable but I find it hard to believe why the response would be so vastly different. What Dave Grohl has done is an absolutely fucking shitty thing to do
  2. The coolest thing about the zane lowe interview was that the cover art (seemingly Joe had a part in it?) is natural photography and not cgi. That's such a sick album cover with that context
  3. I think there will be a new permanent vocalist, honestly with that picture I think they went the conservative/safe route. They know that anything that they do will be scrutinised to the enth degree so the best option I think is what they did which is to use mike in that still image. New song and video clip though and live performance of that song gets done at the 5th sep event.
  4. I missed the image but heard the audio, did anyone get a snip of the image that apparently popped up with a minute to go?
  5. If it is emily armstrong the dead sara album the airport sessions gives me confidence that this could work really well
  6. New member, monstrously long time lurker. My tinfoil hat theory is a combination of things regarding the direction sonically of the band. I have no thoughts on the singer, but I think that the use of the logo from the MTM era rather than 'fixing' the current logo.. the bleed it out video, already over being relatively aligned to that type of rock music I think we will see new music and sonically we will return to that era and we will see a 'rock album'
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