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  1. Please tell me, if anyone knows the song "Ryan's Wisdom" by Grey Daze, after whom was it named, who is he? Thanks for your attention!
  2. It's a delight, thanks a lot to the band and to you!
  3. very funny socks, a good gift idea. Thank you. 😁
  4. I think that the technicians carry out a sound check in advance, as it is necessary to check everything, set up, and fix the problems that have arisen and bring everything to perfection, it's about 3-4 hours before the band leaves.
  5. Poor sir Chester, we remember him every day. The King of Rock. He was probably suffering from a poorly treated bipolar disorder, which probably no one even knew about....
  6. Thank you for your response and consideration!
  7. Please tell me a couple of questions : 1. Mike Shinoda chooses the Takamine acoustic guitar - is it an acoustic sound benchmark or is it something else? 2. Where did Chester learn to play the piano? Thanks for your attention!
  8. Unfortunately, I could not find an interview, but I saw a similar question on reddit, the link of which I will attach. I was worried about this, but I think he wasn't talking about the band, but I would like your professional opinion to dispel doubts, unless of course someone saw this interview, or knows something about it. Thanks! Why does he support festivals of non-traditional sexual orientation? link to someone else's question from reddit
  9. Hello! Help me find the answer: Mike Shinoda performed at the Loveloud festival in 2018, in an interview he talked about "Jackie" with an unconventional orientation, which, according to him, "we all know". It's not someone from the band, right? Was he talking about someone else? And why does Mike support festivals of this kind?
  10. RogueSoul Thank you for an exciting, inspirational, historical article that easily transforms the evening.
  11. Thank you so much for the warm and cozy interior, for saving us time and telling us about your plans and return, and for the kind stories about Sir Chester. Good luck to them in their career.
  12. It's just amazing! And where will the electronic version be? Thanks for your attention!
  13. Hello Gentlemen! If anyone knows, please help with a couple of questions: 1.I was looking for a concert photo or video from about 2000-2003. Where Chester, Mike and Brad are jumping at the same time, maybe on the song With you, but I could be wrong. Chester also had a spike hairstyle, if I'm not mistaken, it was white. I would like to add it to my collection. 2.And about Linkinpedia: how can I find out which sections have been updated and to which new information has been added in order to read the latest updated summaries on it? Thank you for your attention! Good day!
  14. This is very encouraging! Will this book be in electronic form or only in print? If suddenly someone buys this book, then write your impressions on the forum, suddenly I won't be able to get to it...
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