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Posts posted by thesungoesdown

  1. Because it doesn't sound like Linkin Park circa 2000-2006 and that's all most narrow-minded Linkin Park fans ever want to hear.

    God I hate posts like that. It's preference at the end of the day not being narrow-minded.


    Oh and I liked M2M. I still hear it to this day and have defended the album, but i'm not going to lie and say HT and Meteora weren't better because they were but that's beside the point.


    With DBS, it has nothing to do with LP so I don't know why you even brought it up. I've heard a few tracks. Liked a few, others not so much. To defend DBS, It's all crappy quality right now or live tracks so maybe i should reserve judgement until October

  2. I'm disappointed. I was really looking forward to getting the one that was heavier in the verses.


    Maybe Chester just sang the verses live instead of scream because it would have taken a lot out of him?


    Regardless, first version was better. The song just had so much energy. To be honest, DBS sounds just a bit too melodic for me. No song has really impressed me that much so far, to the point where i'm just looping it over and over again like an LP song. I thought they were going to be a heavier/edgier band when I heard those live tracks in 2008.

  3. LOVED IT.


    There's a lot of arguments going on about how commercial, poppy, etc the song is and what the band has "become", but that takes away from how awesome the video is. It reminded me a bit of Kanye West's Welcome to heartbreak video ( which i loved) with all the effects. Great song, GREAT video. Bring on the new material, this is definantly a step up from Minutes to Midnight in my opinion.

  4. Pretty cool song. I'm at school right now, and I had to hear it on pretty low volume at the computer lab with my headphones on because everyone is working on essays/studying for finals lol It's been a while since a song gave me goosebumps, that breakdown/acapella of the chorus with the guitars coming back towards the end was just a musical orgasm. Reminded me a tiny bit of faint after the bridge, but was completely new and fresh for LP. I love how they keep experimenting and establishing a SOLID new sound that will define the band for years to come. I'm not going to lie when I say I miss the Hybrid Theory sound, but another Meteora-like album would have made me lost interest as I grow older and out of that genre of music. I just want something different at this point, and LP is continuing to deliver. Another classic album from these guys with a "new sound" will solidify there legacy as one of the great bands of contemporary/alternative rock.


    side note: To the poster above me, is that your picture on ur DP? You're pretty :) e-flirting= fail lol

  5. Big deal, ur being kind of harsh dude...Only thing people are interested about is Linkin Park and "new song". Mistakes happen, i wouldn't define a label as a joke over this. They did get the LP brand started up and introduced us to them.. No way they would be as big as they are now if Warner didn't take the risk.

  6. NO offense to Mike but he's not part of the DBS project so I'd take what he's saying with a grain of salt.


    Plus Chester said on his twitter DBS record would come out this September :lol: Ryan also said they would be promoting 2 albums this year ( Death to Analog/DBS album), so think September is still the target date for the album.


    As for the next LP record. Only HALF of the album is written?? With 2-3 months off to tour asia/europe and DBS I expect the next LP record to really get sidetracked. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Fall 2010 release. Linkin Park are perfectionists who are really slow in making music, bad combo :(

  7. ^ seriously, ughhhh the wait kills me! I'm happy we're getting a video though, it'll make the whole experience of receiving this new song more special and complete :D. New song, hopefully they play something new live this summer, DBS this September, new album early next year. We should get our fix. LP's a drug addiction lol

  8. This song is going to have an epic feeling. listen to the vid at the 31 sec mark and you can hear chester singing in the background "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" which i'm sure they'll layer into the chorus or bridge. i have a good feeling about this song lol @ the WID comparisons. what we've heard so far sounds like the intro, just because the bass progression is similar doesn't mean the whole song will be

  9. Cool interview, nice job guys. Ryan's honestly a really cool guy. I met him at PR 07 just standing outside among the fans chillin with a friend. me and a buddy recognized him and just walked up and said hi and praised him for the awesome set they performed earlier on the day. They were really cool and signed autographs and whatnot.


    Anyway, i just listened to Death to Analog today. WOW, amazing album. Ryan's a pretty good vocalist. I'm SO pumped for Dead by Sunrise, Chester leading in vocals with Ryan providing back up/harmonics, electric sound, pure rock tracks with heavy riffs, etc etc. It'll be a good fix of good music before the new LP album.

  10. Cool title. So are we getting a video for this song? That would be pretty awesome.


    New song this month.


    Hopefully a bside or a new song played this summer.


    Dead by Sunrise this September.


    Then new Linkin Park early next year.


    The cycle is slowly starting back up :lol:

  11. Man I can guarantee we're going to get no screaming or rapping on this song. This is a song exclusively made for a major motion picture. They need to make a song that's commercial and that appeals to everyone. A song following the formula of What I've Done best fit. Just a straight rock song with vocals from Chester singing the tune and guitars.


    If you guys listen to elements of the score in the trailer towards the end, that sounds like what the song might sound during each verse. What you hear at the beginning of the trailer sounds like the intro, that building up-like tune using layered syths/keyboards is probably what each verse is going to sound like. I have a picture in my head right now. It should be a pretty good song along the lines of What I've Done and the vibe you get from a song like that versus a One Step Closer, From the Inside, etc

  12. DEFINANTLY is LP. And if it's not, the song we hear and Mike's description of the song is a MAJOR coincidence lol


    Remember Mike's description of the song?


    The backdrop for the song is built on layered, heavy synths and a sharp performance by Mr. Bourdon. We're keeping the drums a little looser on this track, not doing too much studio trickery...it creates a nice interplay between the organic feel of the rhythm track and the more robotic feel of the keyboards.





    That's exactly what I heard. It sounds cool though, it's going to be interesting to see how vocals fit into a song like that. Oh and to confirm that we get a new SONG and SCORE, Mike updated his title referring to the Transformers stuff as NEW Linkin Park song and score. Although you can hear the song interpolated into the score if you listen closesly. Cool.


    As for those who are possibly disappointed with the way this song sounds, it's MADE for Transformers and Transformers only, so LP went in with the intend to make it sounds more robotic and suitable for a Transformers project not so much an LP album in my opinion.


    Whatever new we can get from these guys i love it :lol: IT's been so long, amazing how a tiny clip get's me so excited lol. NO artist get's me excited the way LP does. I guess it has to do with how long it takes for them to give us new material, part of me feels like that's what makes them so successfull int he first place since Meteora. Release GREAT songs in small quanitites every few years to stay relevant. Good idea..

  13. Wait so are we getting a song AND a major motion picture score?


    Here's what Mike said


    Although I wasn't at liberty to say it before, the song I've been referencing here on mikeshinoda.com in the past few weeks...is actually being done for Michael Bay's new Transformers film, due out June 24th.



    In addition--and probably ever cooler--we have been offered the unique opportunity to help score the film. The song we wrote is being used as one of the themes, and we will be writing various interpolations on that theme, and trying out some other thematic ideas as part of the (very large) team scoring the film.









    I mean that sounds like LP wrote an original song for the movie. The song he's been referencing has the syths, loose drum work, guitars, and of course vocals ( Mike and Chester e-mailing each other lyrics). And in addition, they're going to be PART of the team that's creating the score for the movie ( which is a huge group) OR the song they wrote for the movie is going to be chopped up and used as the backdrop for the score.





    Hope so :lol:




    Personally, I think the song is going to sound What I've Done-ish ( meaning Chester singing solo, no screaming obviously, epic vibe to it, bridge with possibly a solo, and possibly an electronic feel to fit with the movie). In other words a Minutes to Midnights-ish track.

  14. In the End will NEVER EVER be dropped. That song put that on the map to the casual listener, and at concerts it's THE song a lot of people look forward to who aren't hardcore fans who post on LP forums or are familar with set lists played already.




    They drop 2-3 songs, to make room for an oldie ( With You?), and 2 new songs. Not a major shakeup, but songs might be played differently with new intros , outros, with/without the piano, etc. I doubt anything major this year.


    2010 when they start up PR will be a different story.

  15. Funny, cuz I was the first to point out that the link might be BS and that you shouldn't have posted something like that on the newswire because it would hurt the credibility of lplive.net if it turned out to be false. hate to say i told ya so..but why the hell did my post get DELETED? Censorship to cover one's ass FTW LMAO


    I responded to this below, and please check your inbox. - Persephone

  16. Funny how I was the first person to call BS and I criticized hahniator for posting something like that on newswire without confirmation from the band and my post mysteriously gets deleted. This is the second time he's deleted my posts to make himself not look bad. Censorship FTL
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