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Posts posted by thesungoesdown

  1. And you guys are bashing Lady GaGa why? She is a FEMALE, accept it and move on. This is a Linkin Park forum, not a Lady GaGa forum, she is actually VERY talented, and I'm a straight male. I'm just not closed minded enough to hate her music cause she is a female.



    I don't think it has to do with her talent. The Lady Gaga is a man was a rumor going around the net that she has a cock because theres pics out there that show bulges in her crotch area lol quite funny actually..

  2. Hybrid Theory definantly won't win, but it's EASILY my favorite album this decade. The fact that I was listening to it today is just insane ( Forgotten, cute for the itch, and pushing me away after work lol). I bought the album when I was 13 in middle school when I was living in Southern California ( saw a commercial with a snippet of the OSC video on MTV. Loved the chorus so picked it up lol ). fast forward now, and i'm in 4th year of college living in Canada and i'm still jamming to it.


    Hopefully they re-release Hybrid Theory next year and just doing something special.

  3. ^ Regarding demos. I know LPU isn't profit central, but releasing them in some form there they charge for them is better them keeping them in a vault forever. If anything, I bet some of them will pop up on a Greatest Hits album some day, or possibly on a re-release for Hybrid Theory on it's 10h anniversary ( that would be pretty sweet, it gurantees a buy from me. I already have 3 Hybrid Theorys as it is lol)

  4. I hope we get to hear some of those songs that don't make the album as well. They put so much time into making then, i never really understood why they just lock some songs away in the vault ( i.e. Japan)


    Regardless i'm PUMPED. I'm SO happy LPU 9 is around the corner, otherwise i'd be going nuts waiting for the new album right about now

  5. ^ Good point with A.06 and the demos not having different names apart from the ones that we knew already and can be found on wikipedia.


    I hope it's fake. I can do without A06, Stick and move, By myself demo, drum song, and fear, but my gut is telling me this is a legit tracklist.


    I just want a new song, breaking the habit demo, faint demo, and a papercut demo. i'd be satisifed with a 4 track cd of that. Also, something i've always wanted is an extended version of Technique, such an AWESOME instrumental but so short.


    Regardless, i'm pumped!

  6. Not a surprise with the poor album sales. 20 k according to hitsdailydouble.com. DBS consistently maintaining sales on the charts, like Fort Minor which debuted with 60 k sales I believe yet ended up with 300 k in sales, consistently will determine if the project was a success or not. Hopefully Let Down blows it up, i played it for a lot of people and they all loved it. Regardless, as a fan it was nice getting to hear a totally different side of Chester. Some of the tunes on this album ( into you, give me your name, walking in circles, in the darkness) will be on my playlist for a long time.

  7. k i'm signing up this year! I know we're not allowed to post links, but can someone at least summarize what they said on the newsletter? Or PM a screenshot? I don't have LPU and really would love to see what exactly the letter said...If not, i understand :(

  8. can someone pm me too please! thanks


    thanks ozzy for the PM!


    Im going with 2006 remix. How can anyone possibly like the 2009 version over the 2006 version? The vocals and gutiars sound the same, but the 2006 version has even more of an electronic feel and has a faster tempo. Along with the EPIC ending, it's just way better then the 2009 version.


    2001 version sounded cool, but the quality was terrible.


    I'm going with 2006> 2001> 2009 versions, respectively

  9. What i've Done (chester and the glass avys/outdoor video)--> Bleed It Out ---> Shadow of the day (shirtless, only member in the vid, slow song)





    Crawl Back In ( chester and the glass avys again/outdoor video)---> ______ ---> let down (shirtless, i have a feeling he's the only one in the video, slow song)



    Hmmmmmmm blueprint seems similar..


    I know Let Down was suppose to be the lead off single in europe but has since been delayed (correct me if i'm wrong). My guess is that they hold off and get the radio/heavier songs released first. My Suffering seems like an obvious choice.

  10. Even though I like the other tracks, I totally fell in love with 5 songs:


    Too Late (#3), Let Down (#5), Into You (#9), Walking In Circles (#11), In The Darkness (#12).


    I knew I would love Let Down, Walking In Circles and In the Darkness from youtube, but these versions are better, even though thats almost impossible! I Love those tracks, damn!!!!!!!!



    whoa i feel the exact same way.


    I'd rank them in this order 1. Let Down 2. In the Darkness 3. Walking in Circles 4. Into You 5. Too late



    Sounds like this is going to be an album to really kick back and listen to, not so much play endlessly on your ipod ( although i've been doing that lately with CBI)

  11. LEAST fav song leaked right now.


    Crawl Back In , Fire, ....................My Suffering (demo last year sounded WAY WAY WAY better).............................. then Inside of me


    WAITING for Let Down which could easily jump ahead of the above 3.


    And i'm waiting for In the Darkness as well. The acoustic version of it on youtube right now is awesome. I love the chorus and Chester just sang it beauitfully.

  12. As people have said the studio version is way too overproduced and I HATE the drum work on the song. The 08 version, and the live versions this summer sound so much better. The vocals were just raw and the guitars kicked a$$. i usually prefer studio over live tracks, but man MS studio version is such a let down ( no pun intended). i've been looking forward to a studio version SO bad since May 08

  13. The orgasmic part is that he said unreleased demos...plural


    I doubt we get anything from Meteora because they would have put it out there already and i can't see them digging that stuff up, but a remix would be cool.


    Demos from m2m would be nice (fingers crossed). something heavy and something with mike rapping. please mike please

  14. You've taken one of the stand out lyricists, who's work pretty much transcended a genre of music as an example of someone who makes words 'rhyme for the sake of rhyming'. That's a massive thing to say.


    By the very nature of Mike writing from a hip hop background his lyrics are going to be more complex as hip hop songs are usually 1)containing more lyrics and 2)contain more complex rhyming schemes than Chester who has said quite a few times he writes good pop songs. Good pop songs by the very definition are usually going to have simple (ish) lyrics.


    Anyway comparing lyrics is somewhat down to opinion because something cheesy-worthy to one person may be heartfelt and emotional to others. No one can really evidence that Mike or Chester is a better lyricist than the other but you can throw a pretty good case in there that Mike writes more complex stuff.

    I know I dissed Eminem with the line that he makes words rhyme for the sake of rhyming ( at times), but you can't even compare Eminem to Mike. Em's MILES AND MILES the better lyricist. PM if you want to get in a debate about it but it's no contest. He's a genius at wordplay and rhyming schemes. His music is offensive as if the subject matter, but the guy is just a genius. Hard to describe him. I'm a huge hip hop fan, and he's just in a class of his own his style is unique. Don't take the songs on his radio for what he's capable of.


    As for Mike, I agree for what you said when it comes to LP songs, and comparing who's the better lyricist between Mike and Ches is subjective at the end of the day. I wouldn't say Mike writes more complex stuff, i think he just comes up with more complex schemes. The lyrics are just as simple as Chester, but what Chester does for the melody ( which mike has a hand in that as well), mike comes up with cool schemes to mesh well with an alternative rock song..

  15. I clearly said "none of Chester's solo material that's come out to this point." That means Morning After, Let Down, Crawl Back In, Fire, Walking in Circles, My Suffering, and In the Darkness. The chorus of Let Down is so simple from a lyrical standpoint that it could've been written in 2 minutes.


    We don't know who wrote what on most Linkin Park songs. Mike writes all of his rap parts, but they both write some of the singing parts. Also, I didn't infer in any way that Chester wrote those songs himself, I was making a comparison. But Meteora was the album Chester had the biggest hand in writing the lyrics for (some of the Hybrid Theory material was written before he joined the band or by Mike, and Mike wrote a ton of lyrics for Minutes to Midnight), and it's by far their weakest lyrical work. Probably not a coincidence.

    If you clearly said none of Chester's solo material to this point, then why do you ignore Mike's solo stuff and the cringe worthy lyrics he's written. For comparison's sake he's no better but to get a better understanding for whose the stronger lyricist you need to discuss everything including LP songs.


    But still the belief that Mike is a stronger lyricist is just your impression at the end of the day, and both of us really don't know who writes more/better lyrics unless if we're in the studio. I mean take for example the making of New Divide when Mike is playing the chorus for Chester. It's clear that Mike had more of a hand in writing that song, but I liked how Chester said along the lines that we need to clean up some of the words which they did. It just shows that Chester has a good grasp for writing because he easily could have said yeah that's good let's do it, and is involved in putting together those well written songs by LP. Or how about those band meetings during Minutes when the rest of the members said the lyrics were crap and they had to clean it up. Just sayin, at the end of the there's more that goes into the writing process and Mike shouldn't be credited as the stronger lyricist when at the end of the day it's just guessing on your part and making assumptions from stuff you read in interviews or watch in LPTV videos. Lastly, and back to the point I made earlier how about Fort Minor songs, Mike's had some pretty simplistic cringe worthy lines as well. i.e. Petrified ( lyrics are pointless), Remember the Name ( crap, chorus is..crap), Where'd U Go ( awful lyrics, chorus/beat saves the song), etc. Or how about those pre-Meteora days with raps in Reading My Eyes, Fuse, Esaul, etc. His lyrics are so random, he sounds like a clean Eminem, just making words rhyme for the sake of rhyming. I'm just saying Mike has written some pretty bad stuff, so to take Crawl back In, live recordings of Fire, Walking in Circles, etc which you can't even make out all the lyrics yet and say hmmm Mike's the stronger lyricist makes me scratch my head.


    Idk, I felt this song was just so-so. It's not that I don't like it because lyrically it is kind of simple (it is), just that the song really isn't hitting the right spots for me. Don't really think I like it very much.

    That's how I felt when I heard the snippets, but the song grew on me. Off topic but I'm honestly in a point in my life right now where i'm facing withdraw for school and working fulltime for a year until i'm reinstated because I won't quality for student loans so I need to come up with living costs on my own to pay for rent, groceries, bills, etc, OR returning to school and everything being back on track with a second chance pending a petition decision that i'm going to receive sometime this next week in the mail. Everybody keeps trying to encourage me , give me some advice, etc that's just so off to what I want right now. I got my reality check, my priorities are straight, i just want to finish this last year on track and graduate so the lines


    Don't want the world second guessing at my heart (agreed)

    Won't let your lies take a piece of my soul

    Don't want to take your medicine ( tired of the bs i'm hearing)

    I want to crawl back in ( god yes..)


    Sometimes I lie

    Sometimes I crawl

    Sometimes I feel like I want to die (this past winter i so did)


    I don't want to be like them

    I want to crawl back in



    but yeah, it's just me wanting to crawl back in and have some normality in my life after a year of financial, academic, and persona; hardship just makes me relate a little to what Chester's trying to say. As always songs are open to interpretation, but that's what I get from the song. The lines are pretty simple, but i'm at a time right now where i just can't describe the emotions i'm feeling so just hearing what i feel come to life through lines like that just make me dig the song even more. Sorry for goin off topic..

  16. I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on this one.


    Anyway...I've always felt that Mike was the stronger lyricist in Linkin Park. None of Chester's solo material that's come out to this point has given me any reason to think otherwise. For what it is, Crawl Back In isn't a bad song, but from a lyrical standpoint, it's borderline cringe-worthy in the same vein as Numb or Don't Stay. I'm also not a fan of how over-produced Chester's vocals sound on this.


    Not a very impressive guitar solo from Amir either, compared to what I know he's capable of.

    You base this on just Crawl Back In? Go look up Let Down written by JUST Chester and see how great those lyrics are.


    Furthermore, you say Numb and Don't Stay had bad lyrics but Mike had a hand in those as well, or using your logic did Chester just write those songs?




    Also, can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me a pm to DL the song?? Thanks and appreciate it.

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