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Everything posted by sordomuda

  1. HOLLY F*CK ๐Ÿ˜ฎ i am pre-ordering it today. Insane amount of money for me but i know thats how it works. I mean I always prefered to spend money on concerts etc rather than albums because i am not that type of a collector person. But this album is so iconic and the bundle looks so cool i cannot stop myself from buying it lol. WE ARE BEING FED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN At this point i wish we didnt have she couldnt before. Imagine hearing it for the first time now, with Chesterโ€™s vocals ughhh what is life anymore
  2. I wouldnt be suprised if it gets a lawsuit so we better grab the first copies as soon as they will be released before the book will vanish from planet Earth lmfao
  3. what was in the Recharged box set for 500$ ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ’ฉ
  4. I will totally buy it, cannot wait
  5. that date was crucial for sure which back then was always making me wonder if it would happened if he was still with his family on that day or on tour. I think it would happen sooner or later unfortunately anyway i dont know.
  6. Same, it always melts my heart.
  7. Lol we will literally be so old when we finally hear these unreleased songs with Chesterโ€™s vocals lmfao. Lets pray they will celebrate OML10
  8. Screaming ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
  9. I was disgusted when i saw that video back then. The level of disrespect.. i mean i get it it was a metal music festival whatsoever and metalheads didnt want to listen to pop but they should just stand and wait for the band they will enjoy eventually. I mean when you attend a festival there are chances that there will be an act you will not enjoy but that doesnt mean you will throw things at him lol. i dont know. Linkin Park was always criticized like since day 1. So he should be used to it somehow. Also reading the negative comments is literally the worst thing somebody can do. Like Sean has said there will always be losers who literally have achieved nothing but will say the worst things in the internet. A person with a healthy mind will not take it as personal as a person with mental health issues so maybe yes it was a little step for what happened 3 years ago.
  10. what kind of a hairstyle did you have he liked it so much haha? @JZLP-AmendsUltimateFan such a great photo
  11. Cool story about the multiple gear
  12. If my uni had lectures like that maybe i wouldnt skip them back then ๐Ÿคก
  13. Former Linkin Park singer my ass ...
  14. right. Clickbaits articles about Friendly Fire were going on for like two weeks or even more. also i hate so much how the press is blowing up the fact that there are still some unreleased demos/songs with Chesterโ€™s vocals on it. Well there is like a ton of that and its not a suprise at all. They have been recording for like 20 years and have released many albums. Its obvious there are many Chesterโ€™s vocals we havent Heard.
  15. Damn the first question and answer ...
  16. These answers make me think LP will never come back somehow. Its still to hard for him. Damn it hit me to read what he has said, so sad. Honestly they should stop with these questions about Chester.
  17. I just saw it on youtube one hour ago, got little emotional
  18. I have never thought like this but this is kinda true.
  19. Its already on Apple Music, but you can only listen to the three songs that leaked on Friday. i can barely hear it. Is it towards the end?
  20. Yes this is what i mean ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  21. I thought its not anything new ATS was game related in the beginning?
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