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Everything posted by jopevc

  1. Joe just put out and Instagram storie of his keyboard with a green circule around the letters QWERTY
  2. Its a weird and messy guitar riff but so damn cool. Learning that by ear will be a nightmare for me
  3. For those who are waiting, you can use a vpn! There's quite a few for free and some are preaty good
  4. Once again @IWillWalkAwaywas right! Damn dude I´m gonna start calling you the nostradamus of LPLive XD (jk it´s just a joke)
  5. Cuidado leaked on YouTube
  6. The verses reminded me of Three Days Grace
  7. Massive leaked on Reddit. My god Mike´s singging on Massive is so different and the breakdown is soooooo good
  8. A6 leaked on reddit
  9. I screen recorded the song from YouTube by using a VPN
  10. So I was going to listen to More the Victim on youtube from a video by a channel called "Easier to Run", but it seems it got copyrighted. This happens after 2 weeks after the video was uploaded. Why did it took so long? Are they "preparing" the song to be released officially soon? What do you guys think?
  11. Oh really? Didn´t know that! Sorry XD
  12. But that´s a stagelight demo. It´s very similar but I find it weird since stagelight is something from 2012 I think
  13. Has anyone tried to figure out what the guitars on Fighting Myself are playing? From what I hear it seems the tuning is Drop C#
  14. Well, I knew someone did something similar to what I´ve done, but I didn´t remeber it was you or it was that similar. But if I "copied" your job it means you did a good job and I liked it XD. I only compared to HT20 because is the most similar thing to M20
  15. I did some calculations trying to predict the released date of Fighting Myself using HT20 as a reference: She Couldn´t release date: 13th of August, 2020 In the End (demo) release date: 1st of October, 2020 HT20 release date: 9th of October, 2020 Time passed between the release of She Couldn´t and HT20: 57 days In the End (demo) was released 49 days after She Couldn´t. That represents 85.96% of the total time between the release of She Couldn´t and HT20 ------------------------------------------------------------ Lost released date: 10th of February, 2023 Meteora20 release date: 7th of April, 2023 Time between the release of Lost and the release date of Meteora20: 56 days 85.96% of 56 days is 48.14, so 48/49 days after Lost. That date is the 30th or 31st of March, wich is a thursday and a friday. So, if this is correct, the release date of Fighting Myself will probably be the 31st of March Edit: If Fighting Myself is the next single, we still don´t know that
  16. Not having any luck with the VPN's, or they don't have New Zealand or its premium. I'm using my cellphone btw
  17. Did you guys used a VPN to listen?
  18. Yeah that low C was the note that was throwing me off! That note made me think that the guitars were not in Drop C#. Thanks!
  19. Okay so when I said the guitars maybe were in Drop B, I actually played that exact chord progression (but in Drop B). So I guess the only thing I got wrong was the tuning, and I wouldn´t be that wrong since they used Drop B tuning in Don´t Stay and Nobody´s Listening
  20. I tried to play the song on my guitar tuned to Drop C# and it didn´t sound right, but when I tried in Drop B it sounded good
  21. Drop D? I believe its in Drop B, just like Don´t Stay and Nobody´s Listening
  22. Personaly, I don´t think it´s a bridge or something. Here´s why I think that: -First, the chord progression of the chorus of the teaser sounds the same as the chord progression from the clip from Making of; -Second, the clip from the Making of sounds like a chorus and not like a bridge; -Third, if you see carefuy the lyric sheet of TTAMP, you can see that the last word before the chorus looks like "alone" and the last word from the sentence before that looks like "away". The last word from the snippet of Lost before the chorus is "alone" and the last word from the sentence before is "away". But again, its just my opinion, I could be totally wrong
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