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Everything posted by IntensityJS

  1. Joe could just not really be a part of key decision making as much anymore, doesn’t mean he’s gone.
  2. Another thing that makes me believe this rumour is that Mike hasn’t piped up to debunk it yet, he’s normally pretty quick to deconfirm stuff like this to keep fan expectations in check.
  3. Guess we gotta keep an eye on the BMI database thing to see if any new entries pop up.
  4. I feel like people get very tinfoil hat like with their conspiracies on what went into writing each album but honestly sounds plausible. personally I’ve noticed a connection between Massive and Session, particularly the breakbeat drums. Perhaps Massive was gutted of its vocals and guitars and Session is what became of it after Mike experimented with the beats. You could also say they’re two seven letter words with a double S. Hell even Wesside is 7 letters with a double S. Considering they joked about how hybrid theory did so well that they were going to do everything the same (at least as far as the tours go) and then that tentative album got trashed before they came up with the majority of Meteora, perhaps they almost made a hybrid theory 2 but felt like it didnt do enough to push the boundaries of the band as a second album should? Makes a lot of sense
  5. Yeah Mike sorry this aint it, putting a few notes out of key and calling it “dissonant” isn’t a remix c’mon man also please stop with the sped up / slowed down tiktok meme versions
  6. Pretty sure that was used in the game awards in december of 2020
  7. Bit of a stretch tbh I don’t think there’s a lot of thought that goes into the working titles, it’s just so they have something to refer to.
  8. Doesn’t sound reliable at all. There would be more people talking about it if that was the case
  9. See the thing about “Resolution” being an early demo of Lost is that this demo is nearly 5 minutes long and longer than anything else we’ve ever heard in terms of Meteora era demos. Lost was only 3:19. Highly doubtful this one has a sitch like Primo/I’ll Be Gone cause they weren’t THAT experimental back in the day.
  10. He never explicitly said anything about it though just that we’d “find out soon enough” regarding which demo it was in lost demos. He said that they tried using those lyrics in the bridge, probably because by that point they had already written a better chorus, but instead dropped those lyrics entirely for “I try to keep this pain inside but I will never be alright”.
  11. He could’ve just been practicing over that song and then it never was actually recorded as they decided to go with other songs over HF
  12. It sounds nothing like Figure.09 lmao. closer to Hit The Floor tbh. Still the track is amazing and it has an insane bounce and rap flow on it. Mike is being silly when he says the best LP songs aren’t hidden away on old hard drives. it is like 95% the same just a bit more polished + Mr Hahn scratches. Lost, Fighting Myself, and More The Victim are the three tracks that were left off Meteora it seems. So that makes 15. Safe to assume the other demos are instrumentals or have unfinished/rough vocals. Also WHY WEREN’T THESE ON METEORA I agree 100% with Chester “the more the merrier”.
  13. Okay so Lost is damn amazing and I’m convinced that it was swapped out for Numb at the last minute because it’s not as great a closer as Numb is but it definitely retains the classic Meteora ballad feel. I for one am glad the chorus was rewritten because you can hear how frustrated chester was with the vocals on making of, he probably thought they were too boring himself haha. Like damn I wanna scream, let me scream instead.
  14. Lmao what have you started 😂 People on the LP subreddit are saying it’s real because Genius posted the tracklist 😂 True, welp, time will tell. This is one of the longest 7 hour periods of my life.
  15. I don’t see the point in releasing something like that on streaming services when it will not be a part of the boxset. Would confuse people as to why it wasn’t included and would be less incentive to genuinely want to spend over 200 bucks on something that doesn’t feel complete. Also I’m 99% certain the 2002 mix was only ever mentioned here in a leak or in the other thread, then listed on genius.com by a fan with the rest of it, and therefore its existence and inclusion in the lost demos could be entirely fabricated to throw people off. it’s incredible that we’re even getting the finished version. Including two versions of the same song on the one disc where everything else is completely unique doesn’t sound like something LP or Warner would want to do, realistically. who knows at this point though, maybe the reason why Warner took it down had nothing to do with the timing or the countdown, maybe parts of it were wrong as well.
  16. August 7th, my question was the second one that day, about 1 hour 56mins in. He even pulled up the youtube link on stream.
  17. Mike answered my shinodabucks question about this one. (Twitch username: xandersilk) From what he said on stream: 1. He remembers the demo but not the name. 2. He said there is a heavier part after the Chorus, what we heard in that short clip may or may not be the chorus but judging by Mike’s reaction to it, it probably is the chorus. 3. It was put aside in favor of the tracks they already had for Meteora, which I assume was stuff like Figure.09, Faint, Lying From You, From The Inside and Somewhere I Belong. He said himself and the rest of the band didn’t “love it” as much as the other tracks.
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