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  1. I was there too, an amazing show! Queued since 7:20am but it was worth it! Between Papercut and High Road
  2. Oh my. I never thought this day would come. I still can't take it. Their music has saved my life, many times. And now Chester is gone. Their music filled a big hole in my life. I was so sad and lost at the time, before I found Linkin Park. Every time I've felt depressed, sad or whatever, their music has always been there for me, Chester's beautiful voice singing to me, as if he is next to me to say everything will be fine. Their music have made me smile and cry. I remember listening to One More Light recently, crying alone and thinking how can I take life any longer, and when he sings "Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do" at the end, I knew everything will be ok again. He, and the band, saved so many people, and now he is gone. He loved and was so kind to every single one of us. Their latest album gets a whole new meaning now for me. All the song titles, and the lyrics, seem so sad now. I wonder if the songs reflected his feelings and thoughts about ending his life, and were there signs, that we ignored, in the music. He seemed to be so happy about life, and the new album. I can't hold my crying when I listen to LP now. I found them around the time when the Burn It Down music video came out. I had never heard anything like that before, I was so impressed and immediately became a huge fan. I was a teenager who was missing something, and their music filled this hole in a way. When I heard "Iridescent" it became my favorite song. I can remember all the good and bad days, that when this song has been playing in my earphones. That song especially has helped me countless times, and will continue to do so, it has to be one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. I feel very very grateful and honored to have seen them live once, in Finland, Jämsä 31st August 2015. It was the first ever concert I went to, and which I have always remembered, and will remember, as one of the best days in my life. Meeting the band, I remember how happy and full of joy Chester (and the whole band) was. Always when I think back to that day and all of the moments, I feel pure happiness. From all the powerful screaming to his soft and calm singing, he was our hero and a genius in music. I have never seen or heard any singer as versatile. He played shows in pain, e.g. with a broken wrist, a broken ankle. He truly cared about music and the fans, and he always gave everything he got especially in live shows. I can't believe he is gone. My condolences to his family, relatives, the band, and all of the other fans here and around the world. You will be eternally missed, and we will always love you. Chester <3
  3. OH NO, I can't believe this is true. Our hero has passed away in such a young age after an amazing album. The band's music has helped me through so much. I'm crying. RIP Chester we will never forget you :'(
  4. Would have loved to attend the gig, but couldn't this time. Hopefully they'll tour Sweden again or Finland next year. They dropped OML, BS/NCSM slot and WFTE; Points Of Authority in the rotating spot
  5. Wow, SE sounds so good! I know many are mad that they are playing so many songs from OML, but I think it's great that they might actually for the first time in a long time play all the songs from the new album live.
  6. I'm going to this show, I've waited this day for years! Actually it's my first LP show (I didn't attend the show in Helsinki 2011), and I'll be at the meet and greet Pic is from the venue yesterday
  7. Hi! Got tickets to linkin park's show in Finland and I bought the "premium package". I'm very excited to finally meet and see them live! Does somebody have experiences of that package? Yes I know I'll be allowed to attend the meet and greet and read some info on LPs website, but what happens after the m&g? I read read somewhere that they'll be sent to the pit but at the very back, so not the best place. After all, package includes early entry so where will I get to watch the concert, on the front or far away of the stage? Thanks for replies in advance and sorry for my bad English
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