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Everything posted by Sethxero1138

  1. My favorite show was in Camden I watched it on the webcast at yahoo
  2. I miss from the inside and shadow of the day full Maybe I'll ask them to play no more sorrow again in Brooklyn
  3. I wish they play shadow of the day again in full and piano version
  4. I hope they play breaking the habit,no more sorrow,from the inside
  5. Here's my set 1.mashup intro #2 2.Gulity all the same 3.given up 4.papercut 5.one step closer 6.fallout 7.a line in the sand 8.runaway 9.wastelands 10.castle of glass 11.iridescent 12.robot boy 13.joe's solo Meldey 14.lies greed misery 15.waiting for the end 16.final masquerade 17.mike's solo meldey 18.breaking the habit 19.from the inside 20.in the end 21.faint Encore 22.burn it down 23.lost in the echo 24.new divide 25.until it's gone 26.a place for my head 27.what I've done 28.bleed it out
  6. They forgot Allentown Pennsylvania The arena is ppl center
  7. This is my custom european setlist 1.the summoning 2.war 3.given up 4.no more sorrow 5.one step closer 6.blackout 7.papercut 8.rebellion 9.runaway 10.wastelands 11.castle of glass 12.leave out all the rest 13.robot boy 14.joe's solo Meldey 15.burn it down 16.waiting for the end 17.final masquerade 18.mike solo Meldey 19.numb 20.what I've done 21.faint Encore 22.lost in the echo 23.gulity all the same 24.new divide 25.until it's gone 26.in the end 27.bleed it out
  8. Praying for the summoning and war and keys to the kingdom and a line in the sand
  9. Yes I like it to be drop Because it needs to replace by from the inside or no more sorrow
  10. Custom abbvirated setlist 1.mashup intro #2 2.gulity all the same 3.given up 4.from the inside 5.one step closer 6.blackout 7.papercut 8.rebellion 9.robot boy 10.joe's meldey 11.a light that never comes 12.waiting for the end 13.final masquerade 14.mike's solo meldey 15.burn it down 16.in the end 17.numb 18.bleed it out Encore 19.until it's gone 20.what I've done 21.faint
  11. I wish from the inside was played
  12. 1.mashup intro #2 2.gulity all the same 3.no more sorrow 4.a place for my head 5.one step closer 6.blackout 7.lying from you 8.rebellion 9.runaway 10.wastelands 11.castle of glass 12.loatr/sotd/iridescent 13.robot boy 14.joe's meldey 15.a light that never comes 16.waiting for the end 17.final masquerade 18.mike's solo meldey 19.by myself 20.in the end 21.faint Encore 22.burn it down 23.new divide 24.numb 25.until it's gone 26.what I've done 27.bleed it out
  13. The council of Allentown is asking the band to play at ppl center
  14. 1.wake 2.given up 3.keys to the kingdom 4.faint 5.from the Inside 6.blackout 7.no more sorrow 8.rebellion 9.robot boy 10.joe's meldey 11.numb 12.waiting for the end 13.final masquerade 14.burn it down 15.a place for my head 16.bleed it out 17.cure for the itch 18.until it's gone 19.in the end 20.what I've done 21.one step closer Here's custom set-a And it's shortened 1.session/requiem 2.gulity all the same 3.faint 4.from the inside 5.one step closer 6.blackout 7.rebellion 8.robot boy 9.joe's meldey 10.burn it down 11.waiting for the end 12.final masquerade 13.wak/rtn/high voltage 14.new divide 15.crawling 16.in the end 17.numb 18.until it's gone 19.what I've done 20.bleed it out
  15. My Custom setlist 1.fallout 2.the catalyst 3.a line in the sand 4.papercut 5.one step closer 6.blackout 7.from the inside 8.rebellion 9.runaway 10.wastelands 11.castle of glass 12.shadow of the day 13.robot boy 14.joe's meldey 15.crawling 16.waiting for the end 17.final masquerade 18.mike's meldey 19.burn it down 20.a place for my head 21.bleed it out 22.cure for the itch 23.gulity all the same 24.new divide 25.until it's gone 26.in the end 27.what I've done 28.faint
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