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About abrandnewname

  • Birthday 08/01/1996

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  • LP Shows Attended
    2014/08/13 - Bristow, VA

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  1. This doesn't bother me one bit, I say good for them. It's awesome that they're branching out. I don't see why this will unsettle fans or even make fans give up on Linkin Park. That just doesn't make sense to me. They're still going to make awesome music, so yeah.
  2. I wish I was more exicted about this, but I'm not. Don't get me wrong, the first Fort Minor album was awesome. I hope the new material rocks and changes my mind about this. Linkin Park news gets me more exicted than this.
  3. I still listen to this album. Actually, it's up there as one of my favorites. Solid album, and great songs. Rob's drumming is superb, and should always meet up with this.
  4. I just hope for a great energetic show, like they always put on.I don't see why they have to change anything about their set just because they are playing at a rock festival. Just face it. Nothing's going to change.
  5. I don't know about you guys, but I was pretty happy with that set.
  6. It never really mattered to me what type of direction they go for a new record. I'm just happy that they're still making music, plus I always love each new era as it approaches.
  7. It's funny how everyone was complaining about not getting any behind the scenes on this album. Since we finally are getting some, people still find the need to complain. It's fucking stupid, enjoy the damn videos or don't watch them at all. Rant over.
  8. That'd be great for them to play something new. It'd also be great so people can stop complaining all the damn time
  9. Wow, very amazing lineup. Really surprised seeing Thrice on there!
  10. As much as I would love Linkin Park to do Mayhem this year, I really don't see it happening. I've been to Mayhem twice, last year was my latest. Like mentioned already, they'd be better off for Uproar. If they do Mayhem this year, i'll be gladly suprised!
  11. Wow, that completely caught me off guard. I really hope he has a fast recovery. Does anyone think they'll do another North American tour? At this point, they're going to have to.
  12. As much as this really sucks to hear, and Chester needs to do what's right to recover. I wasn't able to go to the Pittsburgh show due to last minute circumstances, so I'm kinda happy in that aspect. I do hope Chester has a great recovery, and hopefully we get some rescheduled shows!
  13. I wish there wasn't so much criticism on here. Why can't we just enjoy that they are playing pretty awesome shows? I personally believe this is their best tour performance wise. Just because they don't play this song or that song doesn't mean a thing. The fact that they're still going strong should matter, not the fucking setlist.
  14. Now, that's a pretty awesome set!
  15. I think everyone just needs to quit complaining about the shortened songs already. So what if they are? It's their show, and us bitching and moaning is not going to change anything. I don't care what sets they play, as long as their having a great time and the crowds are enjoying it, then everything is perfect.
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