i will wait as long as it takes, but i really hope it won't suck like MTM. if they have so much material, i guess we should expect some b-sides or something. i really tried listening to some other bands, and i can't find but few songs that i can listen to. lp is by far the only band i can listen to and enjoy every song from (excluding MTM), so does that make me hardcore lp fan, can someone then take my opinion serious when i say mtm sucks compared to previous releases? i think so.
there is LPU9 which i look forward to, it will consume some of the new album waiting time, and maybe i'll like new deftones album, maybe i'll get to like some other band too, but i certainly hope this waiting time will pass quickly, and that it will be worth it (unlike mtm ).
lp guys are perfectionists and lately they seem distracted (unlike during HT and Meteora), they have a life (wifes, kids, some other interests, they changed), so i doesnt suprise me they take longer time to produce something as quality as before (at least they think it is).