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  1. Did I have higher expectations for this CD? yes, after all the teasing of "O we have tons of leftover stuff from the M2M sessions and you could see them in the future" But, I AM SICK OF PEOPLE SAYING, the people who hate LPU8 are the people that hated M2M from the beginning M2M. I mean come on. Why would people want demos from an album they didnt like? Doesn't make sense, so cut that. I loved everything LP has done from day one and love M2M in every way. I am happy for some people that they actually like this garbage, that was put together in 1 hour and is not even remotely similar to any linkin park music. This really sucks because this is going to split the LPU community over some joke. Jokes are funny, but should be used under caution to the sensitivity of the situation. This was not the right situation for this joke. I can't even take LP Serious right now. Time to listen to all the other good music out now, over LP.
  2. Lol, first of all we want stuff we can listen to over again and not just a few times a get a couple of laughs about it. And I mean come on, you know Mike knew this was going to happen, because of the expecations of LPU8, and i really think he is shoving it in our faces just like i thought what they did with LPU7. I felt that since they knew we downloaded all of they DSP via torrents and stuff they would just give us stuff we already had because they were bugged about that. Now since we have been bitching about new stuff they go ok, lets give them some new stuff someone can make in under an hour. I love jokes and fun but paying money for this and even $80 for that super package is insane and an insult to fans. I really feel this CD holds no value and just a few laughs. If this free I would love it for what it is and get a few laughs and move on, but it is not and done at the wrong time. I know many people like this, and don't get why people are so angry? And I would like it, but not for this CD and not at this point in LPU. I would have rather had half a M2M demo then this, sorry : /
  3. LOL Well I have been reading everyones post, and all i have to say serously?!?!?!! Honestly all of us in LPU are the true LP fans, buy all there cds, LPU cds, and tickets to their shows. This is an insult ON THIS BASIS. If they gave us these songs for free as a joke, then more power to them it would be funny, but im not going to pay all this money for some same old black Tshirt and some joke. The greatest insult of all is that they want fans to pay $80 for some plaque and this cd....Straight robery and insult. I am just so feed up right now, and I have loved every LP album and even M2M and have been down since day one on HT. But seriously after lpu7 this is so unfair, yes unfair. I love jokes and fun, it is the best BUT NOT WITH THIS CD. Mike has said they have had many leftover M2M demos and stuff, and I swear if LP releses some bsides cd to the whole public with demos and givce this to the fan club, then all I have to say is peace out LP, u have sold out. I am Praying this is a joke and all fun, but if not this will the worst day in LP and LPU history for many of us.
  4. I'm guessing they will release it somewhere before christmas in december 2009, and start touring in may 2010. I dont think they will tour in 09, and take a break so chester can do his stuff and they can take thier time to finish the album. LOL, but i am praying that for some odd reason they will suprise me a do KROQ AAC this year!!!!!!
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