hahninator Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 I took the weekend to make some nice updates to the site. I completely rewrote the About page, redid the Content page, and more. The PR08 and Summer Europe 08 setlist pages are finally up on the Content page, courtesy of Astat and I. The List Of Official Releases has been updated to include the Leave Out All The Rest single, Road To Revolution, and the iTunes album releases. The Canceled Shows page has been edited, and after I did all that, the site should be in pretty good shape. I'll tidy up the Staff page shortly as well. The last thing, the List Of All Songs Played Live, will be updated in the next few days. If you see any errors/mistakes on the site, please let us know and drop a post here. In other news, the Brazilian fans started a petition HERE to get the Sao Paulo 2004 video released. Whether you think it'll happen or not, I think it's worth signing for the heck of it to at least show your support. I mean who WOULDN'T want a proshot version of that show? Lastly, what do you guys think about an LP Wikipedia? LPWiki? Yeah? Want one? JNudda over at LPProjekt and I have had the idea for a while, and we finally took the initiative this week to start work on one. Once it goes live, I'll let you all know so that we can start adding info to it. It'll be an LPProjekt / LPLive collaboration effort...and we hope to make it THE place to go for info in the community. No, it's not going to replace LPLive, haha. Just something for the community to work on while the band makes a new album. More info soon. It's a slow news week. What's everyone want for Christmas? Anyone seeing any concerts anytime soon? Preston, Amanda and I are seeing Snot / 10 Years / Mudvayne on Friday and I'm seeing Switchfoot / 3 Doors Down Saturday. It'll be interesting.
LPPRJKT4 Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 Nice this is one of the top ten petitions!! Tho this current petition ruins the petition I just made to try and get The Smokeout Festival in 03 released, DAMN! I'd release it online but it'd be too much asking LP to release two non SBD live shows at once.
LPPRJKT4 Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 Go to the petition hehe Don't worry I signed it lol.
mzerok Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 regarding lp wiki, what do you think of LinkinPedia.com ? :-)
gtrnowak4tkd Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 (edited) I signed the petition. Im going to see Avenged, Papa Roach, and Buckcherry in Feb. Its gonna be sick. Also i can help with the Wiki Article. Edited December 15, 2008 by gtrnowak4tkd
gtrnowak4tkd Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 No A7X? FAILURE! A7X is going on tour with Buckcherry and Papa Roach. Im going to see them in Feb. The Tour starts mid-Jan i think. go to www.avengedsevenfold.com to see the dates.
LPPRJKT4 Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 A7X is going on tour with Buckcherry and Papa Roach. Im going to see them in Feb. The Tour starts mid-Jan i think. go to www.avengedsevenfold.com to see the dates. Really??? Nicee!!!!! Papa Roach owns!!
LPPhan2005 Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Preston, Amanda and I are seeing Snot / 10 Years / Mudvayne on Friday I saw Mudvayne last thursday...they were GREAT. Obviously, most of us have seen 10 years...and yes i am going to some upcoming concerts...Metallica on 1/15 and Slipknot on 2/13.
JNudda Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 regarding lp wiki, what do you think of LinkinPedia.com ? :-) We have already purchased a domain and have started working on it.
LPPRJKT4 Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 (edited) I mite be seeing A Perfect Deception on Sunday, it's a band from my high school but they are getting pretty popular, they've just finished their first album and I guess they are playing that. Opening Acts are "Go Crash Audio" and "Floral Terrace". Lol I started a group on facebook about the petition and invited like 200 ppl to sign =). Edited December 18, 2008 by LPPRJKT4
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