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New LPLive Contest: Win A 9/14 NYC Ticket!

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Posted (edited)

Username: threewingedfury

Age: 23

Location: North Carolina

Why: I have the absolute WORST luck in the world. That's why.


I'm thoroughly disappointed that I was unable to purchase tickets at the time of the LPU pre-sale. I didn't go to work the entire day the pre-sale tickets became available as I figured I had to jump on the opportunity as quick as I could. I waited impatiently at my laptop refreshing my e-mail every 20-30 seconds, waiting for that single e-mail to come through. When it finally came through that afternoon, I hopped onto TicketMaster, excited as ever that I'd be able to see my favorite band this year after thinking I wouldn't have the opportunity since there was no US tour. Unfortunately, I kept getting an error telling me that my code was invalid. I tried over and over again, but of course, it seems that luck wasn't on my side, as usual. I was too busy waiting for an e-mail to read the forum and know that someone had released the code - isn't life a bitch? Must be, because it only gets worse...


So, I found out days later that a second batch was going up for sale. I'm thrilled, as I just knew I'd be able to snatch my tickets this time around - I wouldn't miss it for the world. I get my e-mail 30 mins before the pre-sale begins, and I'm ready. At 9:40am on the 27th - I get a phone call from my credit card company - my account has been put on hold due to suspicious activity. Some imbecile purchased quite a few hours of phone sex on my credit card the night before? Thanks a lot idiot. I'm freaking out at this point, as I knew I needed my credit card to buy the show tickets and I'm in full rage with this CSR trying to get my account back open to get my tickets within the next half hour. Of course not - my card number had to be closed out and I needed to be reassigned a new card - could they give me this number? Heck no, I have to wait until I got the card in the mail and activate it to use the account. FML.

Edited by Threewingedfury

Username: matttheskwirl14

Age: 21

City: Buffalo, New York


When I first hear about this concert, I said to myself, that I needed to attend. I was not able to get tickets through the presale, due to work. So I have searched on stubhub and ebay. Was able to order a ticket off of stubhub and then later book a train. But today I received an email from them saying that they are not able to contact the seller on stubhub. So her I am with only 1 week before the show, without a ticket to it, a train ticket to New York for Tuesday. I don't think I will be able to have the money for a ticket that people are currently asking for online right now. So this may be a last chance to see the show. (Unless magically someone has a cheap one, doubt it though)

I have been a fan since 2001. I have been to 2 shows already and plan to attend more. I have enjoyed collecting the live shows that fans have posted over the years, and always listen to the ones that I have been to. Its great to sit back, listen and remember what an awesome time it was at the show. I hope I can add this one to the list. There are times where myself and one of my best friends John, would jump around, yell and sing as loud as we can, to the videos and audio I have collected, just pretending we are throwing on a great show like they do. This had inspired me to pick up the guitar and start learning. I would like to pick that up quickly and learn some more instruments.

Hopefully I can be lucky enough to win the tickets. I will defiantly make it worth the trip.


Username: threewingedfury

Age: 23

Location: North Carolina

Why: I have the absolute WORST luck in the world. That's why.


I'm thoroughly disappointed that I was unable to purchase tickets at the time of the LPU pre-sale. I didn't go to work the entire day the pre-sale tickets became available as I figured I had to jump on the opportunity as quick as I could. I waited impatiently at my laptop refreshing my e-mail every 20-30 seconds, waiting for that single e-mail to come through. When it finally came through that afternoon, I hopped onto TicketMaster, excited as ever that I'd be able to see my favorite band this year after thinking I wouldn't have the opportunity since there was no US tour. Unfortunately, I kept getting an error telling me that my code was invalid. I tried over and over again, but of course, it seems that luck wasn't on my side, as usual. I was too busy waiting for an e-mail to read the forum and know that someone had released the code - isn't life a bitch? Must be, because it only gets worse...


So, I found out days later that a second batch was going up for sale. I'm thrilled, as I just knew I'd be able to snatch my tickets this time around - I wouldn't miss it for the world. I get my e-mail 30 mins before the pre-sale begins, and I'm ready. At 9:40am on the 27th - I get a phone call from my credit card company - my account has been put on hold due to suspicious activity. Some imbecile purchased quite a few hours of phone sex on my credit card the night before? Thanks a lot idiot. I'm freaking out at this point, as I knew I needed my credit card to buy the show tickets and I'm in full rage with this CSR trying to get my account back open to get my tickets within the next half hour. Of course not - my card number had to be closed out and I needed to be reassigned a new card - could they give me this number? Heck no, I have to wait until I got the card in the mail and activate it to use the account. FML.

If it isn't too late, i would like to say, give this poor dude the ticket. I think he deserves. Not more than me, but because i totally get that frustration and he/she made me laugh. :lol:






Why should I win:


It's easy for me to say that I should win this contest because I've been a Linkin Park fan ever since I heard In The End for the first time. Or how I excited I got when my friend and I discovered Carousel and thought it was a leak from the next album, only to later find out that it preceded Hybrid Theory. Or how I arrived late to my high school graduation because I needed to buy Minutes to Midnight and listen to it all the way through.


But none of that signifies what Linkin Park means to me.


Linkin Park is the first band that I shared with my sister, and eventually, she came to love them more than I do. Since our parents were strict, we weren't allowed to attend concerts until we turned 16. As a result, I didn't even have a chance to see LP in person until Projekt Rev 07. I went with one of my friends to the show and it was amazing. I went out of my way to avoid sharing this with my sister though, because I didn't want her to suffer for having missed the concert. Due to my parents' divorce, my sister moved to Orlando in September of 07. I went to LP's show in Baltimore in February of 08, and once again it was amazing. I shook hands with Chester during Crawling and caught one of Mike's picks, but I could tell that something was missing. I wanted to experience the concert with my sister, the biggest LP fan that I know. I was happy to learn that there was going to be an PR08 though, and started planning for it.


As a frequent visitor to lplive, I was able to calculate that LP would be playing the same set at Nissan Pavilion (my local show) as they would be playing in Tampa (the closest show to Orlando). I remember a lot of people grumbling on this site about the same 3 setlists being rotated, but to me this turned out to be a blessing. Although my sister was now old enough to attend concerts, she had also recently been diagnosed with epilepsy. This makes it difficult for her to be around frequent lighting changes, especially strobe lighting. As we all know, flashing lights are a big part of LP's live show. With this in mind, I came up with a plan. Knowing that the Nissan Show and the Tampa Ford Amphitheater show would be identical, I spent the entire Nissan show taking notes on when the lights were most intense, while also texting the setlist to Mark. While I wasn't as involved at this show as the other ones, I now knew what parts of the show my sister couldn't watch, including the cool intro to No More Sorrow.


One week after the show at Nissan, I flew down to Orlando and surprised my sister by visiting her. While this visit was unexpected for her, the best part was yet to come. I had planned ahead with my mother to tell my sister that we were going to a nice restaurant. This was obviously not the case. Even when we arrived at the venue, my sister didn't really have any idea what was going on. Our timing wasn't perfect, as we missed all of the opening acts and arrived during Linkin Park's soundcheck. None of this mattered to me though, because nothing can match the smile on my sister's face when she looked at the tickets and saw the words "Linkin Park" on them. With the help of the notes I had taken at the show at Nissan, I was able to let my sister know when to turn away from the stage, and she was able to enjoy the show seizure free. In what turned out to be a bizarre coincidence, we also ran into Mark during Bleed It Out. It was truly a special experience. I was lucky enough to purchase one ticket to the NYC show, but as you may be able to guess by now, I decided to give it to my sister as an early Christmas present. I know how much this show means to her, and she'll be coming all the way up from Orlando to see it. However, I am entering this contest with the hope that I might be able to win a ticket to and join her in New York to see our favorite band. I'm sure it will be a memorable event for both of us.


If it isn't too late, i would like to say, give this poor dude the ticket. I think he deserves. Not more than me, but because i totally get that frustration and he/she made me laugh. :lol:




There were some really great entries. Good luck to everyone who entered.


Winner will be announced shortly.

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