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So what is The Emptiness Machine about?


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I would say it can be any one sided abusive relation that just sucks you empty but you still come back to over and over again. Doesn‘t even have to be human, could be a drug as well in my opinion. 

I think as with a lot of LP song you can make it your own and if you want to hear something specific that makes sense for you, you can give it that meaning. 

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I think it's about eating a McDonald's Cheeseburger, regretting your decision and returning again for another one.


I apologize for this shitpost. Or maybe not.

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don't know what it is about, but the "falling for the promise of the emptiness machine" has the same syllable count, tonic and melody as "standing at the end of the final masquerade".

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4 hours ago, vinifeijo said:

don't what it is about, but the "falling for the promise of the emptiness machine" has the same syllable count, tonic and melody as "standing at the end of the final masquerade".

My brain kept thinking "You're guilty all the same !!!!"

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6 hours ago, vinifeijo said:

don't know what it is about, but the "falling for the promise of the emptiness machine" has the same syllable count, tonic and melody as "standing at the end of the final masquerade".


"Falling for the promise of the emptiness machine" has 13 syllables.


"Standing at the end of the final masquerade" has 12 syllables.


EDIT: Now that I think about it, the way they sing "at the end of" kind of sounds like they insert an extra syllable, so I guess that's accurate.

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I feel like it’s about the band’s expectation of the inevitable backlash from fans and music critics when they finally to reunite. Eventhough all they want to do is moving forward and be true to themselves, people will keep on shitting on them no matter what they do.

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20 hours ago, vinifeijo said:

don't know what it is about, but the "falling for the promise of the emptiness machine" has the same syllable count, tonic and melody as "standing at the end of the final masquerade".

dude!!! I’ve noticed the same thing and have been singing both lines in both songs to myself all week haha 

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I think it's about the feeling of wanting to be with someone or impress them or fit in and then realizing that you never get a fulfillment from it. You change yourself, try so many times, you want to feel a part of something (relationship, band, club, job) and it never works out. You realize that thing you chased isn't actually gonna ever make you happy, it leaves you feeling empty. 

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Given the fact that all of the band members are doing different every day jobs in the video, I take the emptiness machine to refer to the world, or the corporate world, or at the very least the expectations put on us by society.

I also thought it could be referring to the Internet, in the sense where people on the Internet want to get famous and be liked by everyone, and when they finally reach that point of fame and status, they realize that it was empty because not only did they lose themselves in order to impress the world (given themselves fully up to criticism, slander, and hyperanalysis of their character, etc.) but also they have no fulfillment in the end, thus, emptiness.


As far as the working world idea though, that one is a little bit less deep I would say. Maybe it’s about not being fulfilled by the mundane tasks that society presses on you, get a job, go to school, have 2 1/2 kids, that sort of thing.

But I would argue that the fame one is probably more impactful. I’m sure this can be interpreted in a lot of different ways, which is what LP loves to do with their songwriting. 

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8 hours ago, ChaseChief said:

I feel like it’s about the band’s expectation of the inevitable backlash from fans and music critics when they finally to reunite. Eventhough all they want to do is moving forward and be true to themselves, people will keep on shitting on them no matter what they do.

Do we really think that Mike and Company wrote a song about Mike and Company writing a song and the world not taking it the right way, while trying to get the ol’ bandmates  to hang out and make music again together? 

 Like, “ hey guys, what should we write a song about?” 
“ let’s write about how the world isn’t going to like us when we return to the mainstream.” 😂

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Hi all! Since minute 1 I thought it was about Social Media Haters (your blades sharpen with precision & I know you,re waiting in the distance) and people in there, or even artists: They open up, they show everything that they made with care, expecting to be part of something, and then, the emptiness machine leaves them hollow, after having given everything of them.

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