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Posted (edited)

Last year Big Chris Flores, a record producer and sound engineer who worked on Slash's 2010 debut album, gave us a snippet of an unreleased song Chester worked on for the album. Titled 'Crazy', the song was eventually reworked into 'Dr. Alibi' with Lemmy Kilmister on vocals because Warner Bros. Records didn't allow Chester to be on the album.


A year later, we have an update on the song from Chris Flores:


The version we all heard on WHYS Radio last year was a demo with programmed bass and drums done by Chris himself. He was in the studio with Matt Starr (of Ace Frehley) and Robert DeLeo (Chester's former bandmate from Stone Temple Pilots) to record live instruments for the song. Slash's guitar parts and Chester's vocals will remain the same in the final version. Chris says the live instruments for the song got finished being recorded. He is currently updating the mixing of the song. He says the song should be done in a couple weeks.


There's no release date for the song yet, but they already have Slash's blessing to release it. Once the song is finished, it will be sent to Talinda for her approval. Chris wants to release it as soon as possible. Chris has plans to have @sunburst films edit the video footage that he has and prepare it for release. Release of the song, video, and whether or not the song will be on streaming platforms (iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, SoundCloud, ect.) is up to Talinda. 


Meanwhile, listen to a sneak peek of the demo version below:


Thanks to Big Chris Flores for this information!

Edited by NJPLP
  • lpliveusername changed the title to Update on "Crazy" (Slash feat. Chester Bennington)


21 hours ago, NJPLP said:

Last year Big Chris Flores, a record producer and sound engineer who worked on Slash's 2010 debut album, gave us a snippet of an unreleased song Chester worked on for the album. Titled 'Crazy', the song was eventually reworked into 'Dr. Alibi' with Lemmy Kilmister on vocals because Warner Bros. Records didn't allow Chester to be on the album.


A year later, we have an update on the song from Chris Flores:


The version we all heard on WHYS Radio last year was a demo with programmed bass and drums done by Chris himself. He is currently in the studio with Matt Starr (of Ace Frehley) and Robert DeLeo (Chester's former bandmate from Stone Temple Pilots) to record live instruments for the song. Slash's guitar parts and Chester's vocals will remain the same in the final version.


There's no release date for the song yet, but they already have Slash's blessing to release it. Once the song is finished, it will be sent to Talinda for her approval.


Meanwhile, listen to a sneak peek of the demo version below:


Thanks to Big Chris Flores for this information!


Amazing! Can't wait!❤️

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Very late on this, but here's an update to this 2-3 months later: Almost 2 months ago I messaged Chris Flores about if the song was done, since he told me two weeks before that that the song should be done in a couple of weeks, but, anyways, he replied back to me with this:


Yes it's done. Sounds amazing! Bad news though. Talinda doesn't want to release it for some reason.

I then messaged him if she gave a reason on why she didn't want it released, and he replied back saying "No", meaning she didn't give a reason on why she didn't want to release the song. He also said that "maybe because the song is about her" and he said that he's pretty upset about the song not being released, as well as saying that maybe one day, it will be released.


I then told him about if he confirmed Slash and Talinda's approval for him playing the snippet of the demo of the song. I also mentioned about Talinda wanting to release the demo the way it was, before the song got re-recorded with live instruments, but Chris decided to return to the studio to finish the demo before the idea was eventually shelved. I also asked if she changed her mind or something. He replied back to me with this:


Yes she changed her mind for some reason. Since she never released it, I wanted to get Matt Starr and Doug Pinnick on there before she did decide to and now she told me she "came to the conclusion that she doesn't want to release it."

I recently just asked Chris if Talinda changed her mind again on wanting to actually release the track or not, and he told me "No".

Edited by NJPLP
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 10/8/2022 at 1:51 AM, JZ-GreyDazePatheticWorship said:

Unexpected move, she was on board w Grey Daze and HT20, this is very weird I just don't get it. This song deserves to be heard I wonder if $$ Is the rea issue





Maybe one of us here at LPLive could ask Talinda about the situation to see what's going on with the song. Just an idea.

Edited by NJPLP

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