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I find it all a little bit strange, to be honest. His solo project was supposed to be very personal and all the videos were also supposed to be like this. And now we get 'normal' video, looking not that personal like ones for the songs from "Post Traumatic". Also, I really, really like poppy songs and I love "One More Light" (it's my favourite album of Linkin Park!) but this style doesn't fit Mike's solo project, at least for me. Don't get me wrong... I'm still waiting so much for new songs from Mike and I'm also looking forward to listen to "Crossing A Line" tommorow but the style of "Post Traumatic EP" feels more natural and it fits the idea of getting out of a mourning, etc. Also I would like to see more "filmed-from-the-hand videos" and not "normal" ones because it also feels more natural. Now it looks like Mike wants to push it more to mainstream and I feel a little bit uncomfortable with it.

I know that Mike is great at creating pop songs and I'm sure I will enjoy the new song but I just doesn't like the idea of a new direction. I hope there's a sense in it.

Edited by blackout.

Every LP album since MTM was poppy. MTM was alt rock and rock driven. So it’s nothing new. That’s why I said that I expected it since Mike loves pop and has for a while now.


Every LP album since MTM was poppy. MTM was alt rock and rock driven. So it’s nothing new. That’s why I said that I expected it since Mike loves pop and has for a while now.


I don't complain about poppy sound. I really like pop songs, even more I like the pop songs from Linkin Park. I just think that this kind of style doesn't fit Mike's solo project. But of course I may be wrong and it'll somehow fit, I don't know. I'll see tomorrow... I think I will enjoy the song, I can even see from this snippet.



I don't complain about poppy sound. I really like pop songs, even more I like the pop songs from Linkin Park. I just think that this kind of style doesn't fit Mike's solo project. But of course I may be wrong and it'll somehow fit, I don't know. I'll see tomorrow... I think I will enjoy the song, I can even see from this snippet.

Every song Mike makes fits his solo project by virtue of the fact that its Mike himself creating it :P


His solo project was supposed to be very personal and all the videos were also supposed to be like this. And now we get 'normal' video, looking not that personal like ones for the songs from "Post Traumatic".




Also I would like to see more "filmed-from-the-hand videos" and not "normal" ones because it also feels more natural. Now it looks like Mike wants to push it more to mainstream and I feel a little bit uncomfortable with it.


The clips we've seen show Mike in the car by himself on the way to see fans near the Roxy, and Mike signing the wall inside the Roxy, and we know there's gonna be footage with the fans outside too.


It's still very personal, it's all very off the cuff. It's not in a studio or pre planned. It's Mike alone with the camera or Mike with the fans. I think that's still really personal. Even watching the clips, I felt like Mike was vulnerable.


Every LP album since MTM was poppy. MTM was alt rock and rock driven. So it’s nothing new. That’s why I said that I expected it since Mike loves pop and has for a while now.


. . . The Hunting Party?



The clips we've seen show Mike in the car by himself on the way to see fans near the Roxy, and Mike signing the wall inside the Roxy, and we know there's gonna be footage with the fans outside too.


It's still very personal, it's all very off the cuff. It's not in a studio or pre planned. It's Mike alone with the camera or Mike with the fans. I think that's still really personal. Even watching the clips, I felt like Mike was vulnerable.



. . . The Hunting Party?


I mean... THP wasn't as ''heavy'' as stuff like Qwerty, No More Sorrow, Given Up, Meteora, A.06, some of Hybrid Theory, etc. At least not to me. It wasn't as poppy but it did have a few pop oriented tracks with Until It's Gone and Final Masquerade, both of which became proper singles for the album. I don't mean to bash the band, but it is obvious that Mike loves pop music and it has shown for years. The thing that made A Thousand Suns seem less poppy is the structure of the songs and the flow of the album, but a lot of the actual pieces of music can be considered pretty poppy. New Divide was pretty poppy and it became a huge single. Living Things and One More Light were basically full on pop and so weren't the collaborations with Steve Aoki. That's why I said since Minutes To Midnight. Minutes To Midnight had a few poppy songs, but they were basically rock ballads, so they were kind of different. Some people would call songs like In The End and Numb pop as well, but those are more pop-rock kind of. They are a different kind of pop compared to later work, etc. I'm not saying all pop is bad, even though I admit that I don't like pop stuff very much. Some of it can be decent, I'll give some artists that. Mike making pop though isn't anything new, so that's why I said it's nothing new for him, he has been making it for years, he has mastered the technique and he knows what he is doing.


You can't really say anything negative about Mike or Linkin Park there... Come on, I only said that "Post Traumatic EP" style fits a lot more to the personal theme of Mike's solo project. I love pop and I love when Linkin Park create pop songs and trust me, I think "One More Light" is their best album. I'm not one of the pepole that claims that "Linkin Park sold out" or something like this. Everyone who knows me, knows that I like diversity in music. Don't tell me that it's the same discussion all over again because my post wasn't supposed to be against Mike and my intension wasn't to claim that "Mike is shitty pop artist".

Can't wait for the song and I hope that it will change my mind about the style. :D

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