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2014 Tour Setlists predcictions


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Hi everybody,


it's been a very long time since I posted my last thread here . And I'd like to share with you guys what I'd expect from the new setlists. I really do expect some major changes, as the rythm of the album is likely to be fast paced . Here are my "thoughts" :





While Faint remains a setlist staple , there are a few songs that can be cut. First of all, Somewhere I Belong. This song made its return on last tour, but you have to create slots for some new ones and some surprises. Then, Breaking the Habit and Numb were played heavily since the debut of Meteora and I see one of them being thrown. Numb being a fan favourite, I really see Breaking the habit out of the setlist for a while.

No surprises expected from my point.

Remaining tracks : Numb / Faint





Bleed it Out seems to be what is one of the best songs they have especially for Live. It's got energy, some surprises in it and close the sets very well.The medley LOATR/SOTD probably had its last breath. Given Up was always played since it came out , and even if it's a very rock-ish song, I never saw it as a "must listen" or a "fan favourite". That's why I can see it being kicked out sometime. What I've Done remains in the set, as it's a good single ans well loved song . You also need those type of songs to slow down a little bit and not affect Chazzy's voice :)

No More Sorrow can make a little run, but I don't expect it to .

Remaining tracks : What I've Done / Bleed it Out




Very hard to pick songs from this album, even though it's my favourite by far . The Catalyst may have that vibe and energy the band was referring to when talking about the new album . But maybe there is too much electro in it as for now. The only song I can see returning would be Wretches and Kings. This aside, Waiting for the End will remain the lone song of the album being played live.

Remaining track : Waiting for the End





Most recent album to date, I don't think the songs sounded as good live as we expected. I don't expect surprises from this album , as I only see 3 songs played .

Remaining tracks : Lost in the Echo / Castle of Glass / Burn it Down




Everybody already knows the band will play the album in its entirety at Download Festival. That's not made out of nothing . I really think they will add one or two songs to this years setlist. My money goes on Forgotten. It's got everything they want to sound, especially those times. Agressive, Melodic , they can warm some crowd with it . The second title I see making its return would be By Myself, but not so sure . Just a hope ;)

Remaining tracks : Papercut / One Step Closer / With You / Points of Authority / By Myself / In the End / Forgotten / A Place for my head.

8 tracks is a lot, but they will not play HT at DL festival for nothing. I hope .


That leaves space for 4 tracks + New Divide . 4 new tracks, virtually :)



I hope it was not that long and you liked reading that :) . Your opinions are for sure welcome ;)

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Great post. I agree with you on most everything. I think they will surprise us with the return of No More Sorrow, Figure.09 or Don't Stay since they are both high-energy songs. Maybe From The Inside will stay around too. I see BTH and Numb both staying sadly. Just one song from ATS too. But I do think they'll keep a LOT of Hybrid Theory!

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Thanks for your reply ;)


I really want to hear Figure 09 again,but I really doubt LP will ever play it again .. Sadly.


By the way, my setlist would look like this :


01 A Place for my head

02 Papercut

03 New Divide


05 Faint

06 With You


08 Points of Authority

09 Waiting for the end

10 Castle of Glass

11 Numb

12 What I've Done

13 Burn it Down

14 Lost in the Echo

15 By Myself


17 Forgotten

18 Bleed it Out



20 In the End

21 One Step Closer

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Here are my predictions:


Hybrid Theory

Since the new album will be higher energy and they're playing it in full this summer, I feel like they'll play a good amount of the album. Obviously In The End, One Step Closer, Crawling, and Papercut will be staying. I doubt Points of Authority and With You would be dropped right now either. A Place For My Head will probably stay in at least one set. Cure For The Itch, Pushing Me Away, Runaway, By Myself, and Forgotten will probably be dropped following Europe.



Let's just get this out of the way. Numb, Breaking The Habit, and Faint will stay. Lying From You will also probably stay. If any songs will return, it'd be either From The Inside or Don't Stay. Outside of those tracks, the rest of Meteora will probably stay dead.


Minutes to Midnight

I'm pretty sure LOATR/SOTD will be dropped. What I've Done and Bleed it Out will definitely stay. They were both pretty big singles and they're fan favorites. Given Up will probably be dropped, considering it would fucking destroy Chester's voice if this album is as heavy as the band is saying it is. It might not be dropped immediately, but it will probably be slowly phased out. The only song I could see returning is No More Sorrow, but I doubt it.


A Thousand Suns

Only Waiting For The End will stay. I don't think the band really likes playing this album live, and Waiting For The End seems to be among the few tracks the band actually enjoys playing live off this album. I would love to see When They Come For Me, Blackout, and Iridescent make their returns, but I doubt it.



Only the singles will stay. I really fucking hope they don't keep LIES GREED MISERY around. VICTIMIZED (w/ QWERTY) is SO much fucking better, but I can't see them keeping it. If they were to debut a new track, I could MAYBE see POWERLESS, but I don't think it will be played.


So, that's 18 tracks (New Divide) If they play 22-24 track sets as they've been doing, that leaves 4-6 slots for new songs.

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Forgot to mention Given Up in my post. It really thrashes his voice, even if it's the second song in the setlist like Camden. I think it'll maybe stick around for Europe but be gone by Carnivores Tour. I'd really like No More Sorrow with the long intro back in there in place of it.


As much as I want Numb, Breaking The Habit and In The End, dropped, it's not going to happen haha. I'll stay realistic for 2014 and know that Reading My Eyes won't be played, Forgotten, By Myself and Runaway (all 3 I haven't seen off the album) will probably be dropped for Carnivores, etc.

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Thing is that we may have one or two surprises . For last tour, With You and Somewhere I Belong were big returns. So I don't see just "usual" stuff.


I don't see Don't Stay or No More Sorrow as surprises, as they were played quite recently though.


Like I said, if you bet your money on one particular surprising track, I'd say FORGOTTEN :)

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Thing is that we may have one or two surprises . For last tour, With You and Somewhere I Belong were big returns. So I don't see just "usual" stuff.


I don't see Don't Stay or No More Sorrow as surprises, as they were played quite recently though.


Like I said, if you bet your money on one particular surprising track, I'd say FORGOTTEN :)

No More Sorrow sure, but Don't Stay hasn't been played since 2008. Would you say a track that hasn't been played in 6 years isn't a surprise? Then you must have seen With You and Runaway coming from a mile away back in 2012.

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My definition of "surprise" would be something like Reading My Eyes or a Meteora/Minutes to Midnight track that hasn't been played on the last two touring cycles

It would definitely be interesting if they keep stuff like Forgotten and By Myself in the sets, but your definition of surprising is the same as mine.
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I'm sure the band will drop the parts of Hybrid Theory they haven't been playing that aren't singles (By Myself, Forgotten, Runaway, Cure For The Itch, and Pushing Me Away). I'm pretty sure the band said that Crawling would be coming back. We all know the band fucking jams on A Place For My Head, Points of Authority, and With You in terms of non-singles, so I would be shocked if they were completely dropped.

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I mean surprise when you say "Holy F**k" by hearing a song you couldn't expect... That was the case for me when they played My December.



I live in France and was not able to hear all songs from HT live . By Myself, Pushing me away, Forgotten and With You were missing..

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I don't anticipate much of a switch-around of songs on the setlist this year. I'm guessing it'll be the usual "mostly singles" set with a few extra bits thrown in - a few odd other tracks from HT (apfmh, With you, poa etc.) and then GATS opening up after an encore. I can see a lot of Living Things material being dropped to make way for 6th album stuff (LGM springs to mind) but also some things like the ballad medley might go too.

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We all know that LP reads this forum, hopefully they read about our Numb dislike... I don't want that song to be removed from the setlists, but they need to do REANIMATE the song.


Not a piano version... the 2004 version was good even if it was just a new intro.

Edited by LIИKIИ JŽЁ
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These are the songs I think will stay from each album.


Hybrid Theory: Papercut, One Step Closer, In The End, A Place For My Head

Meteora: Somewhere I Belong, Faint, Breaking The Habit, Numb

Minutes To Midnight: Bleed It Out, What I've Done

A Thousand Suns: Waiting For The End, The Catalyst, New Divide

Living Things: Lost In The Echo, Burn It Down, Castle Of Glass, Lies Greed Misery


I think that is all that will stay and the rest of the set will be new songs. Before someone feels the need to point it out, yes, I included New Divide on A Thousand Suns for the hell of it. I think Given Up has a possibility of being in the sets, but I honestly think LP will retire it, even though it's one of my favorite songs they play live. I think the new material will be pretty heavy and take a lot out of Chester, so I think they will get rid of Given Up for that reason, we all know it's hard for him to do. I also don't think Crawling will make a return to the set, most likely only at Download, for the same reason as Given Up.

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If I had to guess...


HT: (4/6) Papercut, One Step Closer, With You (depends), By Myself (depends), In The End, A Place For My Head, Pushing Me Away (depends)

Meteora (3): Faint, Breaking The Habit, Numb

MTM (4): Wake, Given Up, Bleed It Out, What I've Done

A Thousand Suns (3): When They Come For Me, Waiting For The End, The Catalyst


Other (2): New Divide, A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES

TOTAL: 19 / 21


If not all of these in the set, at least in rotation in varying sets. For example, I see Wake opening at least one set out of probably three on the tour. By Myself and PMA I feel depend on how the crowd reacts to them at Download, and how much the band jams to them. I really want With You to stay, but that also depends on how much the band is thinking about changing the setlists up. I see When They Come For Me returning on at least one set, the band loves that song. VICTIMZED might return depending on how many heavier songs from the new album they'll be playing. I think it'd fit nicely after GATS (if Rakim joins them for GATS, I imagine he could throw down something nasty over VIC). ALTNC is at least returning for Europe (if not all, at least in Portugal)

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ALTNC probably won't be a constant set thing. It may show up on a few shows, but I doubt it'll be a mainstay. I also think Crawling may return, just based on what the band has said. Wake may open, it depends on if the new album has an instrumental or not. If it doesn't, then Wake would be the next best thing.

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ALTNC isn't likely to be a part of the set though...

And it is a quite awful song to be played live. But that's in my opinion..



I'd like to hear High Voltage, or HV verse on BIO :)

I'd like to hear A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES full band at least once, even if it's just a YouTube clip. High Voltage over Bleed it Out would be good, or High Voltage over Points of Authority like they used to do.

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To me those are the songs from the albums that can be played this year:


Hybrid Theory: One Step Closer, In The End and Papercut (very likely to be the setlists), Forgotten, Crawling, Points of Authority, By Myself and the piano version of Pushing Me Away (maybe they are in the setlists until the release of new album).


Meteora: Numb, Breaking the Habit and Faint (very likely to be the setlists), Don't Stay, Somewhere I Belong, Lying From You and From The Inside (maybe they are in the setlists until the release of new album). I still have hopes them to play Easier to Run.


Minutes to Midnight: Bleed It Out and What I've Done (very likely to be the setlists), Wake, Given Up, Shadow of The Day and No More Sorrow (maybe they are in the setlists until the release of new album). I still have hopes them to play Valentine's Day and Hands Held High.


A Thousand Suns: Waiting For The End (very likely to be the setlists), The Catalyst, When They Come for Me, Iridescent and Burning in The Skies (maybe they are in the setlists until the release of new album).


Living Things: Burn It Down, Castle of Glass, Until It Breaks (as an intro for Waiting for The End) and Powerless (I would like these musics in the setlists, but Powerless does not have many chances to be played).


Other Songs: New Divide and Guilty All The Same (of course they will play these musics), A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES ( can be played, but not in the Carnivore's Tour).

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Do you really think they'll drop LOST IN THE ECHO and debut POWERLESS?

No, not at all. I think LT songs are done, no chance now to debut any of them. With how the band does the setlists, no way they take the time to rehearse unplayed LT songs when they have to do the new album + Hybrid Theory rehearsals. They took 2 weeks to rehearse CASTLE OF GLASS in 2012, and they STILL rehearse that a year later in early 2014 before the shows.


I guess I'm the only person that thinks ALTNC will be at every show of 2014. As much as I don't want it to be, I bet they play it live. It only had one play in January 2014.

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I think they're sort of done with this electro thing.


As long as I love ATS, LT ans ALTNC were quite bad, in my opinion.


And it is quite possible for the very first shows to have 2 songs off the new record (GATS and an other). I still think they will surprise us in a good way with some unburried tracks .

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