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Posts posted by murphyLP

  1. Why are you all making it such a big issue? They said that they do not believe it cuz there is no source but you guys are like "OH WE ARE BRAZILIANS. THESE AMERICANS HATE US SO MUCH AND THEY CAN'T STAND US GIVING SOME NEW!!!" Sheesh!!

    One thing is to say " well I don´t believe in it" this is related to the source thing and everybody has the right to believe it or not...


    other thing is to say "It´s fake".


    I´m not even American but I will give you a time to look up in the dictionary and check what fake means!!!

  2. sorry about the stress, Fabio. but I'm bad about everytime we post anything that wasn't posted before in a foreign lp fansite (like lplive) is treated as a fake.



    And LPxDC is Mr Truth in the LpLive forums... all the things he say is true otherwise is fake!!!


    As said...the source is Warner Brazil!!! Of course Warner Brazil is not as huge as for example LpLive staff...

  3. brad is not better or worse than mike. theyre both good in their own way.

    There´s no such thing as equal talent!!!


    I´m not saying that Brad is less important to the band....i´m just saying that maybe mike is a better guitarrist!!!

  4. how about we don't read into EVERYTHING Mike says? lol Maybe his mom previewed the song or had asked someone about the group.


    and if Mike did the guitar for that track, then i am very impressed!


    Yes...me too!!!


    Actually I think Mike is a better guitarrist than Brad!!! In fact I think he doesn´t play more because Brad is like the "lead" guitarrist of the band and having Mike as the singer/rapper/keyboard and lead guitarrist would be a little embarrassing for brad LoL

  5. LoL


    As long as we keep talking about them they will continue to attack LPL and LPA!


    It´s obvious that they visit here...and probably are reading right now!!!


    So just ignore them...

  6. Dude, how stupid do you think I am. Of course I don't mention all Russian fans.


    I don´t know how stupid you are. When you say Russian fans I don´t see anything that separate all fans from what you´ve tried to say.


    Be more specific and avoid confusion.

  7. Well, then I think Russian fans are just stupid.


    totally unnecessary!!!


    You can´t say this because you don´t know all the russians fans...you saying that is the same disrespect that bazinga! have with the others LP fan sites.

  8. I have to disagree. The overwhelming tone of the feedback about bazinga! has been negative for years, except the opinions of those who run the site. Strange though that nearly every site owner or admin venture out onto other LP fansites except for bazinga!'s. Maybe because of the negative feedback they know they'll get? I'm sure they're around, just not actively posting.


    I think it's a sadder state of affairs that undue pressure is put on other fansites to do the right thing - not allowing official materials for the most part - while these guys get away with pretty much whatever they want with the vague explanation of a difference in US vs. Russian law. While I know it would never happen, all it would take would be a comment on Mike's part on his blog about what they've done over the years... Public embarrassment at that level might do wonders for what they offer and sell on their site without the threat of lawyers getting involved.


  9. Adam only see us as money

    we are part of his job, I wonder if he even likes LP...


    I think that the LPUHQ doesnt do a good job, shitty 30 seconds videos of nothing, no updates from the studio, no exclusive tracks, shitty chats (cmon we are in the 2010.. videochats exist)


    The DSP's should be up in the LPU for free, (WTF? 10 shows = 100 dollars? that's stupid) being a member of the LPU is not a special thing anymore I miss 1.0


    Adam do something more original in the LPU and maybe more people will join...





  10. Maybe Mike and the band will write a song about the fans who are still frustrated about the lack of material and how long the new album is taking. The song will be called Never Satisfied. I can just imagine what the lyrics might be. Ok, just messing around. Don't take it personally peeps.


    wow... that was so creative and worth reading...

  11. "[...]which just finished shooting a video for its next single, "Giving Up"[...]"

    Wow, that must be a recent interview!!!


    You realise that they did a big tour, "We made it", "New Divide" (including music videos), and many things more (Chester working on Out of Ashes) since then?

    You must know everything about songwriting and music business :rolleyes:

    So you are the smart one? I´m pretty sure you are a sucessfull music business person... :o


    Wilderness asked for an interview when they´ve said that they would make albums faster...there´s the interview...you can agree with the time they spent on each album...this is personal...

    But I think myself and others can complain when we see the band saying one thing and then changing...also Mr Shinoda should understand that...


    No one here is trying to screw with Linkin Park...we just want they to focus...because everybody can notice that not everybody in the band is giving 100% to make this album happen.

  12. He's talking about his Remix of Gold Guns Girls remix he did, here's the youtube link so you can listen

    ooo we are counting remixes as new songs...my bad!!!


    i know what he´s talking about... and if you ready again my post you will see what i meant.


    and that´s the reason why they take so long to do their albums...because mike go to his blog and see the comments in his blog and they are like "do whatever you want mike...and WE the FANS will follow you"


    "take 7 years and we will be waiting you..."

  13. Really weird.


    Mike is really good with the words but he don´t fool me...


    unless he had a future ball i didn´t see "Not Alone, Lupe´s song, Kenna´s song" coming out if Haiti didn´t suffer the earthquake.


    So I don´t think he can count on that as planned releases. And also, Metric?...did he make a new song with metric that I don´t know? please someone pass me this link.


    He also said in one interview that 3 years for an album is a HUGE gap. And that they were going to try to make it faster!


    It´s a bummer and he knows that... and by the way... don´t make any more promisses as "We have some new, special ideas for this release, and those ideas have delayed it slightly–but not into 2011" if you are not sure if you can guarantee it.

  14. I was checking random twitters and I´ve looked into Talinda´s


    and there was a message to Chester:


    @chesterbe...I LOVE u babe and am extremely proud of what you guys doing today


    maybe it´s related to this MFR effort...maybe not...just wanted to share :lol:

  15. I'm having a problem. It said enter "full name" so I entered my full name. Now apparently that's my user name... Why didn't it just recognize my email address and link my accounts together?


    Same problem here...when someone asks my full name I put my full name!


    Now I think I will have to live with it LOL

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