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Posts posted by Aiman

  1. Whataburger Field FTW! I've been there several times and, I have to say, it's pretty good, not to mention...the whataburger *salivates*

    LOL Whataburger! I forgot about that place. I used to see it on King of the Hill a lot lol

  2. Looking at this show things sort of seem a little too close together. Maybe "Setlists" and "Notes" should be a little more spaced out. Also, one thing I think would be pretty cool is if you do that stripe thing to the list where every other line is colored so things could be easier to identify.

  3. This list includes full making of's, not short behind the scenes stuff from LPTV and what not


    * In the End

    * Somewhere I Belong

    * Faint

    * Breaking the Habit

    * What I've Done

    * Leave Out All the Rest

    * We Made It

    * New Divide


    I think Faint, WMI and ND are long enough to be considered full making of's.


    This list is the BTS stuff:

    * One Step Closer (shown on TV I believe)

    * Crawling

    * From the Inside

    * Shadow of the Day

  4. I think now that we know the album will be out around the same time as the tour starts, it's safe to assume they'll be playing a bunch of songs from it right off the bat. Until we know the tracklisting of the album/the name of the first single, it's kind of pointless to speculate on anything other than what old songs they're going to play.

    I think a better question is what songs from the past will they still play and what won't they. I think they'll always play In the End, Crawling, Faint, Numb and Breaking the Habit. I know Mike pretty much said they'll only play singles, but I hope they play songs they haven't played in a long time and stop playing some others. I for one hope they never play another piano version of a song again. They completely killed PMA, which was only good at Summer Sonic anyway.

  5. Maybe he meant the frames because there's 13 of them.


    PNG > JPEG :lol:

    In most cases lol, but really only if you're referring to a picture that doesn't have a background (like my sig for example)

  6. There's going to be a minor delay with this. Windows Live Photo Gallery didn't read frames 3, 4, 5, and 6 as the complete (600 x 454) dimension. I would say that's because that's when the pixels start coming, but they actually start in frame 2; and it's the full dimension. So I'm not sure why it would do that, especially when they're all a part of the same file.

    Screw it lol I already posted them. Read the post above yours :lol:

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