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Everything posted by case4lp

  1. let the mash-ups/blends begin!
  2. We are all on this website because we love this band, we wouldn't be complaining if we didn't have such high expectations, but honestly, we take them for granted. They are doing something for their fans every day of their lives. Chester has played shows injured, sick, etc. and rarely do they cancel a show. They made music that hooked us in, and are continuing to do so, and as they said, at a faster rate too. How can we complain so much? Chester has got Dead By Sunrise and Linkin Park going on right now. Mike seems to be wanting to rap more, and do different verses, so maybe another Fort Minor album. He also has his art show coming up. All of that on their mind, and they are out there every night giving it their all, despite all of this going on. I know damn well that I could not do half the stuff they do at half the quality. They weren't their best, true. Did it suck, no. Will I not listen to them anymore due to them being worn out, no. The fact that they played a decent show instead of an insanely awesome one is irrelevant, because when you see that Linkin Park is coming to your city next touring cycle, all of you will find and save every penny you have just to see them live. And, when you go to that show and they play the "same setlist" as they did two nights before, the one with all the usual singles. You will enjoy it without complaint because those are the songs, that got us hooked in, and kept us here. So cheer up everyone, because Dead By Sunrise is coming out soon. Linkin Park is in the studio. Mike's art show is soon. By the way, has anyone else noticed that all the people who were complaining hardcore are also the ones begging for a decent video and/or audio rip of the show? Stop judging so harshly, if Linkin Park judged us as fans based on all the merchandise we bought, shows we went to, how crazy we were at the show, etc. A lot of us would fail. And I am ending this on a question, doesn't the record label also have a say in what songs they perform? They might be tired of the same stuff every night too, we don't HAVE to listen to them every night, but they Do.
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