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Posts posted by Legend

  1. I would just like to take the time to thank everyone who has read my post (and all those who have PMed me after about it). I would make a reply back to his idiotic reply, but it didn't make sense to me. Just some more BS. Plus, it's time to bury the hatchet. He's gone, so all the flaming should stop as well.


    Good luck to all contestants! Don't let any ego driven individuals bring you and your hard work down!

  2. I hope better sense prevails. You know what!! I hope you are promoted to the rank of STAFF for this. You have my RESPECT brother. :D


    EDIT: These comments were on which site??

    They can be found on his youtube video.

  3. Hai guyz. I thought I would leave LPL with some lulz, because Legend loves LPL, Legend loves lulz, and LPL loves legend lulz. So, let's move on to the lullzy lulz of all that have been lulzed.


    Exhibit A: "Hello, My Name Is Go 'Fruck' Yourself!"

    Posted Image


    LOL! Are you serious DangerSilent? You do it better? A word hasn't been invented on how idiotic your attitude is. Chester Bennington says hi... no wait, a little more on your level. Mike Shinoda? Not quite your level. Phoenix! Wait, he can still sing better than you. I got it. I found someone on your level!


    Posted Image


    Actually, I take it back. I still can't find someone on your level. Maybe you can call one of your bazillion connections and ask for William Hung.


    Exhibit B: Lemm' Show You Some Of My Edumacation, Fool!

    Posted Image

    You know, sometimes it's people like you that make me want to kill myself and everyone around me, as violently as possible. So I'm guessing ALLLLLLL those people that voted for Alex can't hear music and don't have ears? Damn man. I voted for Alex. Last time I checked, I have two ears. Must be an illusion or something. I can swear, I'm looking in the mirror and I see two of them, unless my reflection is fucking with me. Just like you're fucking with us. My reflection is playing a joke on me. So I'm guessing DangerSilent is really just a troll sent to us by bazinga!. Now it all makes sense. P.S: I would love to see what would happen if Alex gets picked by all of Linkin Park. I would definitely like to see you back up your statement by saying that they can't hear music. You would make Legend laugh lots. Legend like laugh lots.


    Exhibit C: My Name Is Danger Silent, And I Own YouTube, BITCH!

    Posted Image

    You pretty much called out all of YouTube on this. Man, that's as stupid as calling out /b/, because a large portion of /b/ is YouTube. Stupid! Stupid! How da fux can you be so arrogant? Did you type the rules out yourself? Why do you need exposure? Aren't you a BIG ASS BAND that just got back together? You have all these connections all over the land, hell, you're bigger than Linkin Park! Linkin Park needs exposure from you!



    Posted Image

    How is singing someones lyrics creative? You just pretty much took Mr. Shinodez spot and sang it with your voice. Yea, you didn't sign it exactly as Mike did, but I don't call that you being creative. Want to be creative? How about taking just the intstrumental, and writing your own lyrics, and THEN sing it. I'm sure you have the talent to do that, seeing you wrote 5 albums, toured all over, and were part of a big ass band, yo!



    Posted Image

    Man up pussy! Eye liner is for bitches! If you want to be hardcore, put on the reddest lipstick that you can find in your grandmothers makeup shoebox. You have quite an extensive list of accomplishments. I thought I would list mine aswell. At the age of 5, I ate my first Twinkie. Age 7, I had my first Twinkie sandwich, involving two twinkies, covering a layer of penut butter. Age 13, I made a Twinkie pyramid with my friends Fredrick. It took us 2,147 Twinkies in total, and took all my classmates (all 32 of them) to eat them in a whole day. We all were sick and puked Twinkie chilli. Age 18, I designed my own Twinkie product box and hung it up on my wall. Age 22, legally changed my last name to Seth Twinkie. Age 40, I now own Twinkie. I'm sorry my Twinkies are better than yours. I own it. P.S: Maybe all your haters keep stereotyping you and your girl, but one thing is for damn sure. You guys are too busy putting on each others makeup to realize you have completely contradicted yourself. Earlier you mentioned you WANTED to collaborate with LP, and now all of a sudden, you just like them and don't intend on collaborating? Damn man. Damn. I thought I was a little ruh-tard!


    Exhibit F: Sucky Sucky For Me? No! Sucky Sucky for you!

    Posted Image

    This is by far the greatest thing I have ever read coming out from your ass... I mean mouth. You're BRIBING people to vote for you? What happened to your fanbase? All those people you know? Where did they all go? Man do you know how many people ALEX would bring in if he gave everyone In Coma if they voted for him? This is absurd, appalling, and damn right effing hilarious! You my friend, need to shut the fuck up (kindly)! You talk about everyone blowing Alex, yet you're blowing strangers to take their votes away from him and vote for you! I didn't know you go that way man. Your mother should be proud that you have sold yourself for some online votes. No matter how many strangers you blow, I honestly don't think you will jump from 11th place to first. People aren't that desperate for some sucking.


    But now, if it was Zwier.z offering the sucking, I'm down. That's one sexy mother fucker.



    DISCLAIMER: I am aware that I will most likely be banned for this post, but I don't care. Let this go down in LPL history, as the greatest ban farewell of all time.... of all time.

  4. Just stopped by to read the flamewar and to thank the people supporting my mix :D

    I'm not going to post the link to it but its been posted before and its in my signature.

    One of the best in the contest! Good luck my friend!

  5. No, he knew he wouldn't win. Seriously, as a musician understand another musician, he was complaining that some of the key/timing is off. That is true. He was being a dick, but being a musician I also did wonder how Alex could get so far with the noticeable flaws... I personally would want the person with the best remix to win. That's what it's about. And that's whats gonna happen (according to LP's standards). I pray to Joe Pesci I win though! I don't think I'm getting listened to as much as others though

    Hey Rocky.


    I decided to give your song another listen. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about music, so I thought, what the hell. A second listen wouldn't hurt. I must say, you were correct. This indeed does sound professional to me and it is seemless. I can't find one mistake in it, musically. However, my opinion on it is different. From a professional standpoint, this would be near perfect track. But, the point of this contest, is not to look for perfection. It is to do something unique. I went through listening your whole track and I DID enjoy it, don't get me wrong, but there wasn't a point in the song where my eyes opened because a certain part of it was amazing. Also, 1:40 - 1:54. I've heard that beat in a mainstream song somewhere.


    The thing that amazed me with Alex was that, he did something different. The first minute of his song was better than most people full entries. What he did with Mikes voice, by pitching it, was something I didn't expect. It was very unique in this contest, very different, and it sounded great. My jaw literally dropped, and I saw myself going back and playing the first minute of his track a countless times. I must admit, I didn't enjoy his track to the very end, but that one minute is the type of work that is needed in this contest.


    Anywho, seeing that multiple votes can be placed in this contest, you have got a vote from me for a very well done piece. Keep working on the music. You have talent my friend! LOTS of it! And your positive attitude is what I like to see. I would definitely like to see more work from you.

  6. lol you guys are funny. re-read the post, i say we put all our passion and effort into it. we use chord structures that made sense...and the vocals ARE ON TIME! his mix, the vocals aren't even on time, the mix sounds terrible, and didn't really do anything creative. but it's whatever. i was making a point that it's funny with somewhere around 1,000 votes...these little kids are still coming back and winning with self-promotion by changing their e-mails and using bots. i agree with what someone said on the actual lp forums...they need to use the stormcloud way for contests where people can't cheat.


    it's just lame. if you like that better, that's your opinion. but u have a few members of different bands, and producers in a studio right now watching me type this, that have listened to all these different remixes...laughing, at how idiotic the world can be, and how blind they can be to good music. i like ALL kinds of music. but they said they wanted it to be like LINKIN PARK and be catchy, and give your own creative edge to it...they did not say make it a hiphop or techno song. they want a real live mainstream song. thats what we did, and i put a lot of effort into those vocals, and it was great doing it.


    i could give a crap less about winning. i just think you need wake up and listen to good music. if you love linkin park so much, how can let someone make a mockery of it??


    i'm a terrible person? i make music for people who want to have better lives...to help people strive to be better people...not to shit on people's music lol. for instance, stop people from killing themselves. go listen to our music, and lyrics, you'll understand. and as for his subscribers....um...check our myspace, we have over 22,000 on ours, and Jambonie, who is backing us and promoting has way over 100,000 friends on theirs...plus i just deleted my myspace with over 3 million friends. so dont give me that. i know how online promoting works better than most. i also can detect e-mail phishers and when someone is using bots. if you want, i'll ip trace him to get his e-mails he is using...


    and sorry about the double post, that was my bad..forgot to edit. won't happen again =X


    You came into this contest a favorite of many, including mine. Before GigaScythe (Alex) even released his to the public, there were a few names everyone was waiting for to release their material. That was Alex, Astat, and Zwier.z. This was a DICK move, and if I could remove my vote that I placed for you (yes, I placed one for Alex aswell), I would. This was highly disrespectful and uncalled for.


    I agree completely though. His mix sucks! Everyone that voted for him to make him in first place, they're all lying to themselves. </sarcasm>. Get over it man. He's in first. Just because you ASSUME you put more effort in yours, doesn't mean it's true. Maybe you did, who knows? When it comes down to it, your effort alone wasn't enough to make you in first... or second... or third...


    I have been a hardcore Linkin Park fan for most of my life, and I may not be the best person to say this, but after all the fan versions of LP songs, or anything related to LP that involves a fan musically, I would say Alex pretty much hit the nail on the coffin as one of the best. Don't get me wrong, you have a great entry too, but it just goes to show me whos I like more... seeing for the past night, I've had Alex's on repeat for a few hours.


    Everyone has their own reasons for making music. It doesn't make you a better person if you think your reason is better than theirs. You had so much respect from me and lost it ALL within a few posts. Congrats on being the LPL Douchebag of the year.


    PS: If you want to get all technical, I am interested in seeing what IPs you can pull off. IP Trace him, pull all the info, and PM it to me. I'm calling you a bluff, my good sir.


    EDIT: Some other names I remember now aswell are Jack and XefuzioNr.

  7. It's funny how when I copy and paste your post on Google, I find the same exact post on other websites :rolleyes:

    Just a coincidence. I search "my wang" on Google, and find my wang on a million different websites. But I am POSITIVE I haven't posted my wang everywhere.

  8. So, here is the deal. IMO this by far is the best song LP has ever made. This actually is not a song but a journey. A journey through Heaven. You fully immerse in it on listening to it and it makes you forget all of your troubles for 6.23 minutes. The crescendo in this song is unlike I have ever heard & I am sure I will never ever hear again something of this magnitude.


    So who agrees with me on this being the BEST LP STUDIO SONG EVER??


    I'm guessing Figure.09 is hidden somewhere in this puzzle. Damn, we need a whole team to crack this one. Kudos on the difficulty man!

  9. It's not that good...infact it's out of sync and there's nothing in it other than a few drums. I'm sorry but i've spent alot of time as has many other remixers to create an original kick ass song to the best of our abilities, and you praise this guy for adding shitty sync drums? dude... Whatever, maybe it's just me. '-.-


    People are ignorant, i sure as hell hope alex wins that contest, he's been first for ages, i hope linkin park like him (they probably will)


    But as aposed to voting for that MrPool guy... I must be missing the point i swear.

    I'll pull another Figure.09 thread on why MrPool doesn't suck if I have to. Don't tempt me Commando!

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