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Posts posted by Legend

  1. I'm not saying everyone will share my enthusiasm for the new track, but honestly, my humble opinion is that it's great. It's fresh. It's not what you expect from Linkin Park, but it's what you SHOULD expect from Linkin Park because it's just a really quality song. The whole time I was listening I kept thinking "shit... this song is epic. like, movie soundtrack epic, but not corny epic."

    Movie Soundtrack epic is what I look for in my songs. LOL. Looking forward to hearing this!

  2. One of the better posts I've ever seen on this website. I've heard the whole song, and I think it's great. I'm not just saying that because I work for the band. At the video shoot I stood there with my jaw open. It was something totally unexpected, but it excited me as if LP has been my favorite band forever. That's my opinion, and I don't expect everyone to share it. Just wanted to add to the convo.

    Now I'm mega hyper. Thanks alot.

  3. [Chester]

    Far from the world of you and I,

    Where oceans bleed in to the sky.


    [Chester & Mike]


    God save us everyone,

    Where(?) we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns.

    For the sins of black (???)

    the sins of black sons/suns(???)

  4. Doesn't mean I'll do it, but will the people who say something like "Go to demonoid to find the album" be banned?

    I'm sure they would get suspended by mentioning a specific site, and probably banned for linking to it. But that's just what I'm assuming. A big guy in red will need to answer this one.

  5. Annnnnd survey says, option #1!


    I'm going to re-quote an old post of mine for this special occasion.



    Astat knows too much. SOOO much, that most LPLers don't believe that he is a real human being. Most believe that Astat is a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earths atmosphere, that cleverly cloaks himself in a very expensive, high grade costume to resemble a young man, so he can post up some videos on YouTube, completely beasting any songs with his guitar. Astat is fucking awesome, and intelligent, but getting on his bad side is a bad idea. The guy is so damn smart, if he was to face all of LPL and its 3,000+ members in a verbal argument, he would win. He is like.... the Achilles of LPL. Pure fucking badass.


    And this is no sarcasm. I love me some Astat (or Tatsa, for all the hardcore mofo's like me). LPL wouldn't be the same without this home boy.

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