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Jug Of Water

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About Jug Of Water

  • Birthday 09/08/1987

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  • LP Shows Attended
    29.02.2004 Nashville, TN, Gaylord Entertainment Center, Meteora World Tour 05.03.2004 Tampa, FL, USF Sun Dome, Meteora World Tour 06.03.2004 Atlanta, GA, Phillips Arena, Meteora World Tour 13.08.2004 Atlanta, GA, Hi-Fi Buys Amphitheatre, Projekt Revolution Tour 07.08.2007 Atlanta, GA, Hi-Fi Buys Amphitheatre, Projekt Revolution Tour 02.08.2008 Tampa, FL, Ford Amphitheatre, Projekt Revolution Tour 03.08.2008 Atlanta, GA, Lakewood Amphitheatre, Projekt Revolution Tour

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  • Interests
    Music, off-roading, crashing through other peoples lawns & making them mad. Anything related to that. And moto-racing.

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  1. what do they mean they heard fans talking bout across the line?? more fans were talking bout grecian instead
  2. does any1 have the other songs from this performance in mp3 yet??
  3. haha, freetime like now. yes they have a twitter, and yes honeymoon
  4. maybe they won't be so light like M2M. hoping it'll be a mix of meteora sound in there if it says its not HT
  5. go 2 the armpit.net and pm him directly. or go 2 limpbizkit.com and if he's on chat get him then. any armpit member can get a hold of him inclduing me. but i'm too busy to do it.
  6. srry i haven't posted in a while (wedding). the song is great and all...but...it kinda sucks more than it's great... WTF DID THE OLD LP GO!!!!!!!!!!!! Pop Punk is LP's new sound we might need to get used to this...(unfortunately...........)
  7. exactly. like demos and such and pictureboard (xero demo tape song that was played ONCE in 2000 after name change)
  8. seriously? that sounds like fun. (NOT GOIN TO HACK HER ACCOUNT) so when are they going to find this guy
  9. i dont get why people do that but i'm glad he got miley dumb ass. someone should teach her not to be making "saucy" pictures. if anyone one kid saw them his man parts would probably disentegrate from how bad it was. (not going to say word. keep it somewhat clean lol) still miley still got slapped in the face on thsi one. how about we drink to this tad bit on her and party all night?
  10. i saw this on wikipedia but it says some pretty weird things about a papercut remix and some mike shinoda song interludes? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Phenomenon kinda weird but i'll check it out on itunes and other places to get tracks.
  11. what are you smoking?? mtm was good and we all love it. but we don't love it NEAR as much as ht and meteora. we dont hate mtm. we just like old shcool lp more.edit: whats with everyone wanting bio tracks?????
  12. how about making a download link for each show acessible on the show page?? that way some show hunters could just visit here and get it?? and maybe even change the font color of the date so we know which ones have download links... just an idea.
  13. my computer does something similar. when i bought like 12 discs, i put them in to put on my itunes and after the 6th one it started saying there was no disc in there. but yours sounds somewhat different. either way, just give it a little while to rest
  14. God, i'd hate to see LP boo'd off the stage like in 2000 or 20001? but maybe since thry have gotten more well-known they won't. just have to w8 and see...
  15. how about some killswitch engage, seether, slipknot (doubt it), saliva, korn, or some Chevelle? i'd prefer killswitch engage over my other choices though
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