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Posts posted by Jack

  1. If they're putting that much effort into it, they should just release it on an actual videogame console.

    If they release it for a video game console then that would take even more time to release. They'd to make the game without using sensors and touch screen to be on a controller. Plus how much would the game cost then?

  2. Question: How rare is Frat Party in a CD-style jewel case as opposed to the DVD case? I was visiting a friend out of state last week, and she had a copy like that, I had never seen one before. Apparently the Best Buy store where she lives sells them.

    I also have the CD Jewel case edition. I bought it off of amazon in 2003. There's only 3 versions right? CD Jewel, DVD, VHS?

  3. Xefusioner from LPRessurection has had them for like 2 years and refuses to share them.


    You would think that after Hahninator released "She Couldn't" with us, a highly rare track people would start sharing themselves, I don't know. Mark could've purchased the CD and keep it to himself but no, he shared it with all of us. I really need to contact Xefusioner since I'm also in need of the BTH (DIY Acapella).


    Will post results when he responds.



    EDIT: I noticed Ptto911 posted the same exact topic in the LPP forums. If you're just joining to request thats not cool. Take a look around the site, check out other downloads sections. Don't just post here and then leave once you get what you're asked for.

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