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Posts posted by v1c70r

  1. I think it's really ridiculous how LPL uses it's power (meaning amount of people visiting it) to kinda force the people who have it to give it out.

    I've always been on the site of "share all the shows we have so that everyone can see it" or at least "trading without nft" like Astat said. But it seems like sometimes there are reasons you can't share it, at least at that particular moment.

    Even if he could share it it's still a shame YOU are askng for it, because there are a bunch of people in the LPLstaff who have shows which I'd love to see. I even started trading to get some of those shows. I don't blame you for not releasing every show, I'm sure everyone has his reasons not to, but I just wanted to mention it, seeing how you now try to play the angels vs devil game...

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