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Posts posted by BlackChester

  1. fresh from streetteam.de

    Wir möchten 5x2 Fans die Möglichkeit geben, an der exklusiven Medien-Präsentation dieser bahnbrechenden neuen App für iPhone und iPad teilnzunehmen: Am 22.04 ab 16 Uhr wird in Hamburg "Linkin Park 8-Bit-Rebellion" erstmals der deutschen Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt, außerdem wird es die Gelegenheit geben, den neuen Song "Blackbirds" zu hören.

    Wer dabei sein möchte, schickt eine E-Mail an 8bitrebellion@linkinpark.de. Wichtig: im Betreff der E-Mail muss "8-Bit Rebellion" stehen, außerdem wird für die Benachrichtigung die vollständige Postadresse in der Mail benötigt.

    This says, that 10 fans (5x2) will have the opinion to get in the testing by sending an email to 8bitrebellion@linkinpark.de . The testers will also get to hear Blackbirds!! isn't that awesome? <3 :DD

  2. we got to be with the devil #666 for me too, just can't wait til thursday! :D


    I mean, I'm representing LPL I even TOLD warner germany (in person) that LPL exists and IS the biggest

    existing LP Fansite... But I'm not this into LPL any longer like I been 1 1/2 years ago... so

    yep representing my own page + streetteaming for LP and Julien-K is enough for now..


    Physics exam on thursday.. so gotta learn xD

  3. HELL YEAH!!

    You’ve been chosen to attend a special “8-Bit Rebellion!” presentation at Warner Music Germany in Hamburg! Please see time and location information below. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us. If you cannot attend, let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot with someone else.

    <3 :DD
  4. I hate you guys

    You got some minutes with Mike and you ask him about unicorns?


    I dont understand the LP fans, why we dont ask serious questions about the new album?

    Would be nice to have a description of a track, working titles, the info of this new album has been nothing interesting.

    if you have read the total log you may have noticed, that we asked for album updates. mike said, that there'll be another meeting at rick rubin's house, they didn't meet last time, because mike went snowboarding.. nothing else..

    he didn't want to tell enything more...

  5. Hey, I'm Thomas from Weyhausen, Germany (a little village near to Wolfsburg the city of the current german soccer champion) and yep.. what else to say, I'm a huge J-K fan Co-Head of the German Streetteam and working on the official german homepage of Julien-K along with 4 other guys ^^

    And I'm promoting as much as I can

  6. btw what might be interesting for all of you.. I'll work on my videos for BOTH shows tomorrow

    I mean I might finish working on them tomorrow, but my internet is too slow to upload

    all of them at once.. so you'll might see the first 2 tomorrow and the rest along the week ;)

    @cyro I can really understand your point

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