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Posts posted by NickDuffy

  1. If anyone remembers, a while back Mike Shinoda said that The Requiem is made up of parts of other songs. Can anyone help me figure out what parts of each song are used?


    The Radiance: Synth pad/keyboard after Oppenheimer says "I suppose we all felt that"

    Burning In The Skies: "Swooshing" flanger effect in the opening of the song.

    Empty Spaces:

    When They Come For Me:

    Robot Boy: Yelling/screaming from the end of the song

    Jornada Del Muerto: Submarine sonar sound effect

    Waiting For The End: Piano keys (played in opening and throughout the song)


    Wretches And Kings:

    Wisdom, Justice, and Love:



    The Catalyst: "God save us" lyrics

    The Messenger:

  2. Honestly I could care less about Dead By Sunrise. I didn't like their album, and even though they have a decent fanbase, i'm not suprised that their hype is dying down.


    Fort Minor's hype died around 2007. Maybe once every three months or so i'll here "Where'd You Go" sneak on the radio, but other than that, they're non-existent in the radio/media world these days.

  3. I'd love it if one year the LPU CD was an official EP release. So somewhere around 6 totally finished songs. B-sides, or maybe even music written just for that release.

    If they gave us some A Thousand Suns demos/finished songs that didn't fit on the album, i'd be stoked. They had so many cool ideas that we got to see spread all throughout Meeting Of A Thousand Suns.

  4. I know i'm not the only one who has ever noticed this or appreciates it, but did you ever notice how Linkin Park has improved their Underground releases in recent times? They've been putting more music on the discs, making them albums and not EPs, they've been giving us more rare tracks from very early time periods, and giving us more finished/real tracks as opposed to live tracks. I really appreciate Linkin Park's effort this time around and i'm very excited for LPU11. What would you like to see on this installment of Linkin Park Underground 11?

  5. I think releasing an album at the end of this year is pushing it. Maybe some demos/unfinished tracks from A Thousand Suns or a new song will make LPU11, but I doubt we will get a new album by the end of this year. A Thousand Suns would only be a year old before they had to start promoting a new album.


    Summer 2012 at the latest. I am sure of it.

  6. It's not the musical composition, it's not the lyrics, it's not the melody, it's not Mike's vocal performance...it's the arrangement. It's just so...monotonous. A soft song should still have some type of climax (see: My December, Shadow of the Day, Iridescent, etc.), but In Between just maintains a rather same-y dynamic level the entire way through the song.

    This pretty much sums up my thoughts.


    The song is beautiful, but it barely evolves or gets intresting. Robot Boy is considered better because not only the lyrics, but it evolves and has a beautiful synth-string breakdown.

  7. It's weird. For me 2013 seems pretty late, although that's usually how long it takes them to release new stuff. I just think that their new album is going to be finished at a faster pace. I'm definitely feeling a mid-2012 release. I hope we get some new material from them soon.

  8. Am I the only person who is feeling that the 5th studio album will be put out very soon? Many people are like "give it 2 to 3 years", but I don't think it will take that long. Here are my reasons why:


    - Four singles have been released from A Thousand Suns already in the course of 10-11 months. This is the fastest that they have ever released that many singles.


    - This is the first time that they have been writing while on the road. This means that song ideas are coming faster, and progress is being made at a faster pace.


    - They already announced their goal with this album (to further polarize fans and write about more serious things).


    - They announced their producer very early on.


    I know the band likes to make their music as perfect as they can, and they like to take time with their work, but with these factors involved, I can see a new album coming out sooner than we think.

  9. I highly doubt this. In fact, I don't even think we will get to see another Fort Minor track. Mike is proud of the project, but like he said many times before; he worked on Fort Minor because the lyrics he was writing were more personal, and Linkin Park used to write lyrics universally, easily relating to other people's problems. Fort Minor addressed peoples doubts of Mike, and other things.


    Now that Mike said that he is putting his Fort Minor energy into the new Linkin Park music, I doubt that Fort Minor will ever return. Unless Mike shows up on a Styles Of Beyond track (that's the closest we will get to it).

  10. Mini review;

    The Catalyst live is awful to be honest, Mike really sounds like he is straining to get the vocals out. Rolling In The Deep? I could care less about it. Nothing about that cover has excited me whatsoever.


    The rest of the tracks were good, especially Iridescent.



  11. A Thousand Suns is the first time Mike's ever made his singing vocals sound effortless. Yes, No Roads Left is a good vocal performance. It's also obvious that it's right at the limit of his vocal range (or his range at the time) and that he was straining to squeeze some of those notes out.


    I think everybody should go take another listen to the ending of The Catalyst. I don't think I've seen anybody point this out before - the really aggressive ad-lib stuff at the end of that song isn't all Chester. It starts off as Chester at the 4:19 mark, but switches to Mike at 4:47. That section from 4:47 to 5:01 is in the same general register as the highest parts of No Roads Left, but Mike sings it FAR better, apparently well enough that nobody's ever noticed that it isn't Chester.


    This is (or should be) a no-contest, the only reason MTM is going to get half the votes it will in this poll is because of all the idiots who are going to be all "HERPDERP ANYTHING ATS-RELATED SUCKS, I'MMA VOTE AGAINST IT ROFLOL".

    Listen to his ad-lib on 3:50-4:10ish if you have the acapella and can play around with your headphones. It's amazing.

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