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Everything posted by Sepol

  1. Okay, I fixed the "fot" See full version (1000x1000) here. Hahninator, you want versions with white and grey backgrounds, and the rest with any specific color? I made this white-background version just to see how it would be: See full version (1000x1000) here. Glad you liked it If I have the time and inspiration I'll put some more sugestions here.
  2. I made this real quick: It's black and white, but the colors can be changed to fit other shirt colors; I know people complain about LP and LPU shirts being always black, lol. (Yes, I know about the typo, I'll fix that tomorrow ) edit: forgot to say: LPLIve T-shirts sound like a good idea to me Keep up the good job, guys
  3. Sepol

    4.0 Trailer

    Nice trailer, but the remix isn't that awesome (there are some parts that the music gets too confusing) and you need to make the text bigger, I could hardly read it.
  4. Good to hear thet (about LPL4, not about Fisico being in the hospital {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif ) And the forum design is much better right now {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif
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