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About 24Xero

  • Birthday 03/24/1988

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Stockholm 2007 and 2011

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  1. So where do you stand again? No it’s not a cash grab or yes it’s a cash grab? 😏
  2. I know there’s nothing new here, even though I hope Chester recorded something new in this project. Let’s put it like this then: I’m excited to hear a new take on the songs. I’m starting to feel bad for looking forward to this when I read all the negative stuff. To be totally honest I didn’t even know the extent of the drama, I only know some. I guess I don’t seek out what’s really going on. I’m here for the music. “I find bliss in ignorance” seems fitting. 😂
  3. Maybe there’s some truth to it? Why else would you write in the description on YouTube for Grey Daze - ...No Sun Today (Remastered): ”Unfortunately, Warner Bros. Records blocked the release.” Also why is everyone so bitter about this Grey Daze thing? Seems like a lot of love has been put into the project. And I don’t think it’s a “cash grab” at all. I mean why wouldn’t they wanna make money? It’s not a charity project. Also people shouldn’t be so easily offended by comments made by members of Grey Daze. I’m just excited to hear Chester again. I already pre-ordered the complete Amends bundle (which I couldn’t really afford).
  4. Maybe they can have Chester as a hologram. Because Chester and the rest of LP have been 3D scanned a number of times. So Chester's likeness is forever saved as a digital copy. The hologram thing might be something they can do on some shows as a tribute to Chester. Linkin Park as a band was never about just one member. It's all the members together that became Linkin Park. That's what makes them unique. And LP as a band always challenged themselves, including changing their sound. But Chester was such a huge part of the band. So it will be different, and that's LP to me in some way. And I'm 100% sure that there are recordings of Chester and lyrics that he wrote. I think the next album will be a tribute album to him. The next thing from One More Light would be to release the song One More Light as a single and do a tribute music video of Chester. Similair to what they did with Talking To Myself. Whatever the band decides I will support that. All the songs with Chester will always exist, no one can take that away.
  5. It's not impossible, they wrote the lyrics to QWERTY on the plane to Japan. And we don't know how long they have planned this.
  6. I think it will be only new songs, written only for the LPU 8.0 cd.
  7. * Release a new DVD like the Frat Party DVD. Release on Blu-ray also. They must have a lot of footage beacuse they always have someone filming. * Release LPTV on the LPU beacuse we who live in Europe can't download from the US iTunes. * Make the LPU page better with more exclusive content and HQ LPU videos, we pay to access that page and I almost never log on. * Release B-sides * Release acapella's and instrumentals so we can make remixes. A remix contest like the Fort Minor remix contest. * Play HTEP songs live, With You, Easier To Run and other songs they haven't played in a while. * Come to Sweden!
  8. Yes, it does seem like they are releasing HTEP in waves beacuse I just got one and 15 minutes later "Sold Out", and now they have taken it away, the new one is LPU 7.0 LE. I put HTEP on my "Wish list" that's how I got it. I hope this wasn't a bug but I have saved the e-mail so I have proof. And I bought only ONE HTEP I don't wan't to be selfish.
  9. Is this is a (re)reissue of Hybrid Theory EP? Or did they really have so many HTEP in stock from the last time? I'm waiting for it to say "In Stock" again or is it Sold Out "Sold Out" or will the print more? I hope they do, I didn't get one. {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif
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