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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. Did the same stuff to the main pages: 2000-2009, cb, fm, jk, dbs. Slightly changed methods of making spaces between months. Now instead of two br tags we should use closing p tag at the end of month, and opening p tag at the beginning of the next month. You can open code of any page to see how it looks.
  2. 17.06.2008 Brno, Czech Republic, Velodrom, European Tour Source 4 Updated Time.
  3. I did the same stuff to all of the pages now, including Fort Minor, Julien-K, Chester. Not counting what I did before, this time fixes included: - adding "mins" after time in some cases. - gb -> GB - added these pages to Fm.php: 17.08.2007 Cuyahoga Falls, OH, Blossom Music Center, Projekt Revolution Tour 19.08.2007 Bristow, VA, Nissan Pavilion, Projekt Revolution Tour - fixed problem with rotating banners on most of the pages, which was caused by me. I checked all FM pages and LP pages till http://www.lplive.net/shows/20030320.php if I didn't fuck up anything. Found some bugs and fixed them. If there is anyone willing to continue checking - I will be only glad. What needs to be checked in the first place: - Title of the page (it should have the same date as dates on the page itself). - Check if all words such as Taper, Location, Time, etc are bolded. - Check if in Time field there is word "mins" (In case if there are digits and not words, which means 8:06 and not Unknown). - Check color of the Sources. Some of them could be black. - Check spacing. P.S. BTW, I think I rewrote all fixes that anybody made since yesterday, because I haven't updated my local files, when I continued to add links today for CB, FM, JK pages... So, AndOne, make all you updates again please.
  4. Thanks. The ":" were sometimes bold, and sometimes not, so I made all of them bold, because I thought that : is right after the Source word without a space, so it could be bold too. But on the other hand, if it was "," or "." I think I wouldn't have bolded it... Yeah, that was a lot of work. Lots of pages had totally different amount of spaces and auto replace didn't work.
  5. I made a lot of corrections to all Linkin Park show pages. Mainly it was done to the code, so you won't notice it if you just open the page. But inside it became A LOT more simple and structured, so even those who don't know HTML can easily guess what's used for which purposes. Some stuff I made: - Added Previous Show - Next show links to every page. - Removed extra lines and spaces in code, which sometimes were in crazy amounts in code, which resulted in pages being too heavy. This reduced the size of some pages. - I tried to make every page look the same. Many of pages had very different spaces between the same code, so I fixed all of that. - A lot of pages had extra unneeded tags that sometimes were in ridiculous places. Some of them repeated lots of times, which made hard to understand the code itself. I fixed it all. - All of the pages used internal CSS code to change color of Sources. I moved it to external CSS file and edited all pages to take it from there. Now to change color of the Source to green, red or blue do it this way as shown on picture - Pic. - Some of the pages were missing some html tags, mainly closing ones. I fixed most of them. - Some of the Taper, Comments, Time, Location or other lines in Source description were not bolded. i fixed that too. - added links to the next pages: (They were in the show folder, but were not linked to) 11.04.2003 Evansville, IN, Robert's Stadium, Projekt Revolution Tour 08.04.2003 Rochester, NY, Blue Cross Arena, Projekt Revolution Tour 16.01.2004 Fairfax, VA, Patriot Center, Meteora World Tour 17.01.2004 Worcester, MA, Worcester Centrum Centre, Meteora World Tour 30.01.2004 Madison, WI, Alliant Energy Center, Meteora World Tour 10.02.2004 West Valley City, UT, E Center, Meteora World Tour 13.02.2004 Tacoma, WA, Tacoma Dome, Meteora World Tour - found Missing link: 15.10.2003 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Stadium Merdeka, Australia and Asia Tour - In 2003 main page I suppose I separated some of the dates by months, like it is done on all other pages. On this page dates from two or more months were written together. Fuc* it. I did a lot of stuff these days. I can't even remember what exactly did I fix.... If you find anything not working please submit it to the appropriate thread.
  6. I totally agree with you. But I also think if there are clips of every song, it could also be added. Maybe we can count 1/3 of the show song wise and sometimes time wise.
  7. http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=295 Doesn't this source deserve to be in the show's page?
  8. SergSlim

    New Stuff

    You can also post about Düsseldorf torrent. 14 seeders are enough I think.
  9. Does any of those versions have only one audio channel? talkin about nashville. And what about this question - 20.10.2001 So Forgotten wasn't played at this show or what? I remember we had info that it was just not recorded, but it was played. Now I noticed that it's not on the page.?
  10. 20.10.2001 So Forgotten wasn't played at this show or what? I remember we had info that it was just not recorded, but it was played. Now I noticed that it's not on the page. http://lplive.net/shows/20030306.php 5th March 2003 instead of 6th. http://lplive.net/shows/20040229.php Two different transfer. Maza_G and nkramar both have two seperate ones. Maza's version is somehow superior. More info soon. How soon???
  11. LOL. really? Why would someone say he taped something, if he really did not? Or it wasn't taper who said about the recording?
  12. Why would you remove source 1?
  13. I thought about buying few more copies..... Actually these are not my CDs. I bought them for my friends. We decided to make one delivery to my address to make shipment costs less. I already don't have most of these CDs. Sent them out to their owners.
  14. Nope I can explain everything.
  15. My Collection: Hybrid Theory Reanimation Frat Party At The Pankake Festival DVD Meteora CD/DVD Live In Texas CD/DVD Minutes To Midnight Signed Minutes To Midnight Tour Edition Minutes To Midnight Special Edition CD/DVD Minutes To Midnight Super Fan Edition CD/DVD Art Book Package Hybrid Theory EP LPU1 LPU 2.0 LPU 3.0 LPU 4.0 LPU 5.0 LPU 6.0 LPU 7.0 Given Up Single (2 tracks) PTS.OF.ATHRTY Single (3 tracks) We Made It Single (2 tracks) Somewhere I Belong Single (2 tracks) Leave Out All The Rest Single (2 tracks + Stickers) Leave Out All The Rest Single (2 Tracks) Numb/Encore Single (2 Tracks) X-ecutioners - Built From Scratch DJ Green Lantern Presents - Fort Minor: We Major Fort Minor Militia DVD Mike Shinoda "Glorious Excess (Born)" Art Book Mike Shinoda ''Diamonds, Spades, Hearts & Clubs'' Art Book Signed Music For Relief ''Revolution Unseen'' Art Book Music For Relief "Persona" Men's Sublimated T-Shirt 13.06.2007 Poland, Chorzow Promo Poster Linkin Park MTM Promo Poster Signed Linkin Park MTM Poster Signed.
  16. And I didn't get that LPU email at all.. Hmm. WTF? Hooray, finally we got some audio exclusive from LPU that have been promised to us for such a long time. And this time there are 2 of them (Including song with Cornell).
  17. Now you have a lot less chance to win anything.
  18. http://lplive.net/shows/20080605.php Skive. Added Source 1, because it has almost all songs taped, so I thought it should be listed there.
  19. I ReNewed for Premier Pass. I hope to be within first 500. Haven't listened to the CD yet. Gonna wait to get mine. Video is OK, but I thought it would be better. At least we have it. I thought we're not gonna see one this year, after the season started without it being embedded on the Join page of lpunderground.
  20. I totally agree. I was always sure that it wasn't taken from the other show. But for some reason Mark always insists on this....
  21. Actually I think it was an encore break. But it was very short. If I remember correctly they left the stage, and then came back. But I might not be sure.. Gotta check the DVD. EDIT... Looks like it was not an encore break for real...
  22. 14.03.2007 Burbank, CA, Third Encore, AOL Sessions Performance, Tour Rehearsals Add video Sources. In the page it is said - xx March 2007
  23. Do you know one of the main purposes of this site besides it having just a list of all shows and their setlists? This site also has as many possible info about recordings of those shows as we may know of. So before asking such stupid questions, as if there is a video of any performance - you should better check that show's page. http://lplive.net/shows/20070512.php Wow! What's that? Source 1 says that there is a video recording of it....
  24. Updated first source information http://lplive.net/shows/20040214.php
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