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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. I would've preferred an actual 8bit album with all of the songs in full.

    That way Mike doesn't waste time making a full song when we only hear 30 seconds of it.

    They sound really good, I am diggin' New Divide and One Step Closer the most though.

  2. Ironically looking at it now, I really do like the layout of their forums. However, I don't post there seeing as of how it seemingly lacks an active community as of lately.


    edit: Actually upon entering a thread, I realize I made a mistake in that comment.

    Yes, you did make a mistake. Also if the forum was that inactive why wouldn't you make a post and stop that anyway?

  3. Aside from that, I just wanna go on the record and say I support LPL and respect them as a fan site. Always have, and I hope the respect is mutual. Keep up the hard work guys!



    Posted Image

    Posting that makes it sound like you're not willing.

  4. agreed, i always hated how they would never chat with us on a regular basis aside from LPU chats. Those 10 year old idiots does make it hard though. They should really invent a online puberty test when joining sites.

    Haha. Something like that at least. In the LPU chat with Mike there was like 100 comments at once at one stage.

  5. *kanye shrug*

    it is what it is. i like & respect LPA but i hardly visit and i come here more often for obvious reasons. Like i said anything can be discussed as long as its your civil and polite about it

    Ah, that makes a lot more sense.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  6. If we were to keep our opinion to ourselves, then why would we have joined a forum anyway?? Could have just been in the sidelines. But we are active members and there is no harm in discussing things.

    So you're basically saying that you would rather say about "this website is crap and ours is better" (not that you are) on the forum which a lot of people view than just to keep it within yourself or tell someone on MSN or something?

  7. I think none of this is necessary. I know it won't happen but I think this should stop because I feel if I say anything then I will be eaten alive. So I think that this post should be closed, and that everyone keeps what they have to say to themselves.

  8. Cure4thItch:



    I like damn Australia. hush.

    Thats it! Thats the question I asked. I was on my brothers LPU account by the way.

    Way earlier when he first joined I asked if he thought making the game while touring was hard, and he answered "Making the game was fun".


    My life is now complete!

  9. Every forum has a lot of inactive users.


    I offered some time ago to delete members that haven't logged in for over a year to keep the Registered Users amount in actual state and to let other users registered with nicks they want, that can be taken by those inactive members. But I guess nobody think that it's a good idea, so we passed on it.


    I think "cleaning" up would be a correct thing to do. It is almost like being dishonest to yourself, thinking you have lets say 1,000 members and only 50 of them are active, its like saying I am popular because I have 1,000 members when you only really have 50.

  10. Okay. I am also a member but i have never posted. Yes there are no sides actually. Both are there for a common purpose : Serving LP fans and promoting the best band in the world EVER!!


    I do hate this though, I think LPL and LPA should put aside the PAST and be two friendly LP fan sites. I am being serious when I say that though.

  11. Well you know what? When i said they have many common members i primarily meant you. I have seen you on both the forums. And i expected that you would surely be on their side. Hey tell me a thing you say that LPA has a small community but i think they have about 4 times registered members vis-a-vis LPL. Correct me if i am wrong!!!!

    I am trying not to take a side here, thats the point.


    Yes, you are correct when you said it has a lot more registered members. Although more than half of them do not sign on anymore, and others just don't post.

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