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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. Omg...who from australia here?!??!

    anyway thnks

    I am from Australia and a few others are too.


    Still nothing on the release, expecting it to be released in 20 minutes though.

  2. You need recording software and an auxillary cord. I'll let you figure out the rest. ;)




    In my time there is still 27 minutes to go until 12pm, so thats the next milestone point.


    i can bet that the Staff here already have it and heard it .

    Highly doubt that.

  3. Linkin Park Russia are aware of the release but haven't got the song yet.


    3 minutes left!

    If that goes into 12am then it should be released then, it is 11:29pm here so it looks like this could be it.

  4. Well, I always knew this site worked with the mafia!!! :lol:


    ...150 users online right now, and it's only for 1 game/song... What will happen when the new album will come out? HOLY SHIT!

    LPL will get nuked by posts.

  5. Thats what I thought.


    Aww man it's getting closer to 12, I'm like pumped as. I was considering going to sleep about 2 hours ago but I stayed up and seen the update on LPL about New Zealand... I was like "Holy shitake mushrooms, we're next!"


    EDIT: about warner



    We are next.



    Oh my... C'mon someone!


    I hope the game's small to finish lol.

    I doubt it.


    Can someone tell me if it seems like I know everything about this?

  6. I bet Warner have their huge red button in their secret lab that says 'PULL' in big white letters.


    Unless the package is put together in such a way that you can dive into the files and yank it out without completing the game.


    I don't know how these things work.

    I do, you can change the .ipa file into a .zip file and go through it, and maybe there will for some reason be a .mp3 or .aac or whatever file of Blackbirds in there. Artificial Life have been known to have he music files in the .zip though, but I don't think Apple are that stupid.

  7. woo! im hoping/praying us aussies get it in 19 minutes yeh? i leave for over east tomorrow and if what i've been told is right... you can't download apps via the iphone if they are over 10mb in size? and i ain't putting my account details into a net cafe computer while im away! :(

    Doesn't sound good. It should be available from now until probably 12:00pm and thats is they're on time like they where with New Zealand.


    We shouldn't go off-topic. Get me on Twitter if you wanna chat (@razorrednoise).


    Yeah I tried it before. I'm going to try it again soon.


    I wonder how long it'll be before LPR uses their super secret ninja Australian/New Zealand contacts and whaps Blackbirds up.

    I think it will be a while before that occurs.

    I do like how you wrote that though.

  8. Yeah! Ah I wish I lived in Aus now, just for today :(


    ... Or at least had an Australian iTunes account.

    Australia is the place to be.

    Other than weather.....

    The game isn't available in Australia right now though.

  9. I have exams to revise for too ;) :(

    Then you should be set until the 26th.


    Also it should be available anytime in the next hour for us Aussies.



  10. well i just somehow lost my game :( not i cant re-register my email address cause it already is!

    Report it.....in the review you should write for it.....

    Then it can be fixed ASAP.



    No, we don't actually. :D

  11. i am expecting a 200+ thread replies.. if we don't must close it before :P

    So guys, don't ruin it with song requests and download links.

    Try and get a whole thread about a new song/new game without a request or download link, would that be history?

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