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About HybridSoldierEP

  • Birthday 07/21/1991

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  • LP Shows Attended
    19.07.2009 Istanbul Park @ Rock'n Coke / Istanbul, Turkey

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    Linkin Park, what else? :D
  1. Maybe it's a bad reason okey, but believe me there have been people who wanted to boycott the album. But I like the LP album yet but I do unfortunately not easy :/
  2. ahm yes i'm ats hater but Ive it only bought to keep for my archive. believe me when the next album will so bad and we'll not even sell 200,000. Sorry mike.
  3. My first lp concert was in Turkey. I flew from Switzerland to Turkey, because my colleagues from Turkey and went. It was great. LP was the first time in Turkey. It is now almost a year ago but it was still a week. We hope that the guys come back here
  4. Fire: http://netload.in/dateiKXz9UMmvqb/Intro-Fire.MPG.htm Too Late: http://netload.in/dateijZwoBXizVf/TooLate.MPG.htm Walking in Circles: http://netload.in/datei3a92aHA53o.htm
  5. Stefano, and Zurich ?
  6. It's really bad :/
  7. So I really needed a way to make colleagues and already uploaded. It takes 1 hours one way or another until I've uploaded.
  8. I made it Fire (Intro) http://www.vimeo.com/9828409 Too Late http://www.vimeo.com/9833918 Into You http://www.vimeo.com/9835957 other videos coming soon..
  9. A single concert in Turkey would not have been bad..
  10. Im going to the show in Zurich/Switzerland add me please.
  11. This time wins lp. I hope..
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