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Posts posted by Anality

  1. One day while on Youtube in late 2009, I found an old previously unreleased song called She Couldn't which the video claimed to be a song made by Linkin Park. The song itself sounded familiar but yet had a sound that felt unusual, curious I clicked the video description and found a link to lplive.net whose staffe were apparently involved in getting this song and 8 other demo's on a 9 Track demo disc released to the internet.


    After being linked to the website, I began to learn about the knowledgeable community that belonged here. Being new to the LP fansite community I didn't have much to say, so I was just a lurker with no account and looked around at other fansites. During my time as a lurker, I found how up-to-date lplive.net was in comparison to other websites such as lpassociation.com which were slow on presenting news updates. I also found out while reading some of the threads here that the members on lplive.net were very informative and always had something to say, they were also very creative and loved to share their content whether it be fan remixes or live recording bootlegs. That is why I became a member, I had so many questions being new to the fan community I wanted to know more, not wanting to be as ignorant as an average Linkin Park Youtube commenter shouting stupid and bigoted comments everywhere like "I WANT OLD LINKIN PARK, MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT IS SHIT!!!", if you have watched a Linkin Park Youtube video and have read the comments before you'll know that comments like those are real and very, very common.


    When I first became a member I knew, that I always wanted to have played some part in influencing the actions of Linkin Park knowing that fansites had before, and that lplive.net was well established enough to do so, even been given a shout by Mike Shinoda on his own personal blog a numerous amount of times.


    lplive.net has been and always will be, one of the best fansites of any band even if it doesn't look the best, as it is convenient and smart.

  2. This. I'm all for random fun threads to pass the time but it's getting a little out of hand.


    Is there REALLY any difference between this thread, the pick songs for your friend to listen to thread, the top 25 Linkin Park songs thread, and the make a Linkin Park EP thread?

    It's called being a post whore :D

  3. Because I hate the result of leftshoe18's election...


    I think the live version of With You is better.


    So,let's vote again!




    Choose the best song in HT in your thought.


    And I will delete the songs in few votes or no votes. Like leftshoe18's.




    2.One Step Closer

    3.With You

    4.Points Of Authority



    7.By Myself

    8.In The End

    9.A Place For My Head


    11.Cure For The Itch

    12.Pushing Me Away

    13.My December

    14.High Voltage


    I vote for Papercut.


    Because I think it's the best song in HT forever!


    And the best song of LP Forever!


    The live version is awesome!


    So,let's go!




    Today,I've changed the rules because of some people.

    Can we close this thread? I find it slightly aggravating

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