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Posts posted by franticfreak

  1. I disagree. I am an old fan and most certainly don't get the idea that LP don't give a shit about me. On the contrary. I think they care very much. They care not to give me the same thing over and over again because they know how boring it is to listen to the same kind of thing repeatedly and even worse for them, to make the same kind of thing repeatedly. As for the live shows, their set list is a great display of all the different sides of Linkin Park. I get to hear their journey from the first album to the ATS. I would have gotten off the train if they had kept making the same album over again that's for sure because you can always tell when the heart of the band isn't in the album. And i seriously doubt Linkin Park is capable of producing a decent album when they're not passionate about the music they're creating if all the aim is simply conform to outside expectations of what they should make. A


    And mind you. There are all sorts of "old fans." You seem to be suffering under the misconception that "old fans" are the ones who only like Hybrid Theory and Meteora. When the reality is there are many "old fans" who love the old stuff and the new stuff just as much like myself. So if you could please stop generalizing and start using "me" instead of "us" because you don't know what everybody else but a narrow group of people think. You can't speak for a large group of people.



    And those" emo kiddi fans" sound very much like yourself because talk about the immaturity, and lack of realism bursting from your words. Look in the mirror. Linkin Park isn't going to start conforming to your idea simply because you say Metallica or whoever does it.


    And going on a tour that is right after the release of a new album i loved, i expect to hear more stuff live off the new album. I would be seriously pissed if they end up playing less of it.

    Dude, you dont getting my point! I know its a world tour for ATS, and its okay that they do play songs of that album, every band does! BUT the thing i dont getting in my head is, why they waste so much times with their interludes? why do they JUST play their singles again and again and again? You said


    They care not to give me the same thing over and over again because they know how boring it is to listen to the same kind of thing repeatedly and even worse for them, to make the same kind of thing repeatedly


    They give you the same songs since years, always OSC, always Crawiling, always In the end etc...


    Why not Runnaway? why not with you? why not something diffrent from Meteora? Sure, its cool the bring back papercut, but should i be happy about that now at all? My thoughts, kick out these stupid interludes and 2-3 ATS songs, and bring back some stuff they havent played since years!


    [/i]Alot other bands listen to their fans, LP dont! They dont must be happy with their shows, they MUST make their fans happy, cause WE are the people who pay ALOT cash for them!

  2. Ture, you cant make everyone happy, but you could at least try it...and LP is one of the only bands I know, wich dosent even try it...


    Im pretty sure, that if they would at least play With You, or some other older classics live, ALOT fans would be happier :) But no, we get the same singles since 2001!!!

  3. When its allowed to be happy with the new LP, then its also alowed to not be happy and complaining right? Its a open world where i can say my thoughts! Maybe mike or someome read this topics here (they are visit LPL i think) and he see that not EVERYONE is happy with their new shit!


    The fact that they dont give a shit about their old fans who made them to the LP you see today makes me sick, there are bands like Korn, Metallica etc who are still amazing but on their live shows they do alot old songs and the people enjoy it way more then the new stuff! But whatever...LP dont have the nuts to do it caus they probably think they will lose their new emo kiddi fans, dunno...

  4. Come on! really, what you expected? 1 ATS Song? Nah.

    Well, to be serious, i have expect 4-5 songs from the new album, but not almost the full one! Its sad to see, that they kicked out alot older songs, its always a question of your own taste sure, but i thought/wished that they would play more older songs or/and atleast some songs they havent played for years now!


    AND i was hoping that they will do The Blackout, its the only song i like from the new album, and they dont play it....

  5. It comes as no surprise to me that the majority of the people already trash-talking this album (based on a total of 7 minutes and 18 seconds of material from a 48-minute album, mind you) come from "metal up your ass" country (a.k.a. Europe). I'm sorry, but if you people seriously expect "good music" to always consist of songs with heavy guitars, lots of screaming, and hard rocking drums, you've been following the wrong band for the last 10 years. Go listen to Korn or Godsmack or some other relic of the nu metal era if that's the kind of music you want to hear. You'll probably find their albums in the bargain bin at your local retailer.




    I'm sure we should all bow before your superhuman powers of foresight.

    This isnt Linkin Park anymore, all you guys can like it sure, its your decision, but you also have to see the point that alot people might not like the new style LP do!


    alot people bitched about MTM (me too) but now i realy would like hear it insteed of ATS...

    And yes, we can judge by 30 seconds if a song is great or not for our own taste, and my taste say "NO FUCKIN WAY"

    The blackout is great sure, i love it when chester screams, but the rest of the album? common is just ballads most of the time...where is the heavy linkin park most of us older fans felt in love with?

  6. compared to other bands a 90 mins set isnt that bad at all guys, korn for example (doing music since 93, 8 albums) doing just 70 mins sets!!!! So 90+ mins are pretty good!


    But like i said befor, it will be almost the same setlist like 2007/2008


    My thoughts for the setlist are:


    Breaking the habbit

    One step closer

    In the end



    Somewhere i belong


    Bleed it out

    etc etc


    typical single playlist incl. 3-4 new songs maybe!


    But i still HOPE to get With you and/or Runaway, thats all i care for^^ when they play at least one of those both songs i dont care what they play else :D




    Damn....great news but not for the tapers:P


    Why not?^^ Show will be taped so or so :P

  7. 25 mins HT

    25 mins Meteora

    25 mins MTM

    25 mis ATS


    but i doubt that we will hear something diffrent now!

    All the years they just played their singles..it wont change now at all!

  8. MtM= shit? are you high?


    Why high? just because i dont like the CD?


    For me LP changed to much, i dont like their change, am iam a bad fan now? i doubt!

    I dont like all the stuff like DBS, Julien-K, Fort Minor etc etc its not my music taste! and LP sounds like it now...

    So sure, i wish they will play some classics thats the only reason i go to their live shows, to listen songs from HT and Meteora, dont realy care if they play stuff from MTM or ATS

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