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Posts posted by Narc85

  1. not on the transformers 3 soundtrack? before i comment on how disappointing that is (hey, they did the first two, why not complete the trilogy)... im betting it's a touch too early to be calling that final. the movie isn't even half-way into production, let alone being nearly completed... things may (and hopefully will) change :)

  2. i can understand where you are coming from KitsuneInferno, but a lot of what you said contradicts itself... it almost seems as though you're not quite sure what to make of it yet? which is completely understandable.


    personally, i love it.


    as for chart success - within hours it has shot up to #116 on the aussie itunes charts and seems to be increasing every time i have a look. at this rate it'll be in the top 50 by the end of the day/tomorrow.


    anyone care to hazard a guess as to when the video will drop?

  3. now, YOU sir, are a man with his priorities straight!!

    lol! tell me about it... my work wall planner is actually my social calendar... hardly anything work-related goes onto it :) people come into my office all the time and have a laugh about it :P

  4. Complaining that "LP isn't making teh nu-metalz!!"? Not okay. Complaining that your favorite band's marketing team just screwed with you by misleading you? I'd say a bit of venting is perfectly fine.


    But oh well, in about an hour none of this matters.



    oO. what's in an hour?

  5. ON TOPIC: People, stop whining. We're getting The Catalyst tomorrow. Be glad we're not getting it a week from now.

    i think people are just a little disappointed (and i believe rightfully so) that this was used as a marketing tactic to encourage pre-order sales, yet may more than likely end up being false.

  6. someone from the aussie wing of the record label manages that facebook page i believe. there's also a full screenshot of the page on lpassociation in the thread about the same topic.


    like you, i also hope it's BS - i've had 'the catalyst' written on my wall planner at work (yes, i know, lol) for august 2 - which was very promptly scrubbed off this morning ;)

  7. the only thing that makes me think this post from the LP australia facebook page is at least sort of legit, is that they had previously posted something about not knowing when the MP3s will be distributed, but that they would be trying to find out for everyone... so unless they just dangled a bit of false info because they couldn't find out (which would be incredibly stupid)... then i guess that is when we'll be getting it :(


    wonder if it will hit itunes first? have to admit, my first thought was *don't new songs/albums usually release at midnight on itunes?*

  8. maybe everyone should just copy and paste:


    can someone please PM me the song!




    i dunno if i wanna hear it yet... ive been waiting for the game this long (mainly for the song) that it would kinda ruin the fun of playing the game... maybe... i dunno!

  9. You can dl an app over 10mb if you're connected to a wifi network, fyi

    ahhh yeh thats what i thought... might have to sit in a maccas leeching their free wi fi while it downloads then :P (unless it's released sooner of course ;D)

  10. woo! im hoping/praying us aussies get it in 19 minutes yeh? i leave for over east tomorrow and if what i've been told is right... you can't download apps via the iphone if they are over 10mb in size? and i ain't putting my account details into a net cafe computer while im away! :(

  11. thanks for the update hahninator - super quick!!


    downloading the perth show as we speak - needed to do a java update before it would allow me but all going well so far!


    anyone got any recommendations as to which other aussie shows (or otherwise) are worth buying? keen to give *that* melbourne show a listen as well :)

  12. looking forward to the aussie shows - if they surface? i sent an email to the download team back when the gigs were played and asked them if they were available, and i'm sure the reply they sent back to me said the shows weren't recorded? could have just been a response to get me off their case but either way, really hope they do.


    i remember asking the people working at the souvenir stands for the DSP and they looked at me with a 'huh?' expression :D

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