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  1. Bad sales are probably caused by the prices of the tickets. When Linkin Park played at Orange Warsaw Festival the tickets cost about 90zł which is like $30 and there were no special sections like GC so you could technically make your way through the crowd and get really close to the stage. Now the tickets are about 280zł for the Golden Circle which is about $90. And I know that $90 might look like a normal price tag for the ticket but well, for some people at Poland this price tag is like ok if you are a big fan. I hope that there actually will be enough people so that Brad won’t have to say again before entering the stage how empty it is. And that we manage to impress that band again like in Warsaw. And the fact that the tickets are about $20 more expensive than they were at the System of a Down concert at Łódź bothers me because I think that both of the concerts were arranged by the same company/ies and at the SOAD there was a really not cool thing when it turned out that the GC section is actually half of the size of the stand probably because the sales of the tickets for GC hit high at the first day. It originally was supposed to be more like the size of the one for tomorrow http://instagram.com/p/o1WApcshYN/
  2. http://i.imgur.com/BYg8Gig.png Apparently there is the dark version of the clouds. You can find this link above in the cloud2.js file. And adding that to what others mentioned with the logo missing files and rainyday script I'm think that the storm is coming :> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://ardisalam.com/webfiles/cloud/logo.png http://ardisalam.com/webfiles/js2/rainyday.0.1.2.min.js
  3. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/8197394 Mike said that we can sing if we want. (at 4:04)
  4. Epic man! Nice sync, and I love the strings (I guess? ;D) & guitars.
  5. The Submission must meet the following content restrictions: - Personal Assets must NOT include use of lyrics or singing; vocal enhancements, if any, must be strictly limited to sound effects (i.e., beat box); So, I guess singing is not allowed
  6. Wow, man. That's awesome. The best remix I heard so far
  7. Invite me please *mail removed* Thanks.
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