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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. 14 minutes ago, blackout said:


    The article suggests that only 3 members are involved. BTW, I said "IF everything mentioned in the article is true...". I was only speculating basing on what Billboard provided.


    It might suggest it, but there's a fine line between suggesting and stating-- that they never stated it means that the specific phrasing or mentioned members could have come up the way it/they did for a whole host of reasons.

  2. 3 minutes ago, blackout said:

    If everything mentioned in the article is true then the information that Joe is not involved in this reunion is totally unexpected for me. He has always been present with the anniversary releases, most recently with Papercuts as well. We'll see what's going to happen with this one. However, I can totally imagine Rob not being involved at all. Not having all the original members of the band will be quite weird - I would prefer all 5 members to be involved, but what I can do... I can only accept their decision.

    I think we would do well to not conflate "bot mentioned" with "not involved". It's an easy trap to fall in, but we really have nothing to go on right now, and the wording is terminally vague.

  3. 13 minutes ago, LPLStaff said:


    That's really it. They are fielding show offers and there's no reason to doubt the legitimacy of that, but there isn't more to it other than they see a need to have a new show agent. Which is honestly very surprising considering they had the same guy 2000-2018 before this and Mike was with him too. So, they see some sort of need to change it up.


    Beyond that, let's see.

    Thanks! I wanted to make sure I had that right. Yeah, that's pretty momentous.


    Personally, what says it all is: They could have saved Papercuts for the 25th anniversary next year and they didn't. Something instead made them rush it.

  4. On 4/11/2024 at 9:17 AM, YRQRM0 said:


    dude you already strawmanned the complaint in the shoutbox once, we're clearly not saying we wanna watch the old quality, we're saying we want to watch the best source available sans AI artifacts. basically the same convo DBZ fans have had with every home disc release lol 

    If enough people wanted to buy that, the Level sets would have been successful.


    I have a personal investment in good quality anime releases, for, well, Reasons, but if the market is given the opportunity and the fans don't come, there's not a lot anyone can do. I'd like for them to try again, but...

  5. 56 minutes ago, arcyy57 said:

    Honestly, I think the same too. I don't think they're really ready to do music again, since everybody's got something on their plates now

    Hell, even that is adding too much speculation to the pot. This could be false whether or not the band is cooking as we speak. This could also be something true that he doesn't actually know and is just being weird about. It's a really weird claim, unremarked upon in the moment (despite being kind of a big deal)-- dropped, then just moved on from, and then hastily denied. Hell, I'd probably believe it was some kind of weird mix-up even if they did hire a woman as the lead. What reason does this guy have to know about it? Being in contact with the band previously isn't necessarily conducive to being in contact with the band currently (Even indirectly). The best we can offer there is speculation, when we really just don't know anything other than "Shit's weird, yo."


  6. 7 minutes ago, linkindan said:

    Excuse me, but that bitch is in my country right now and I can’t find out anything about what’s going except that she sneezed and played *checks notes* her own songs at her own concert

    You say that, but my joke album title is going to make it to the subreddits, then to the rumor articles, and then it'll be back to this thread in time for my morning coffee.

  7. 37 minutes ago, LPLStaff said:

    Doesn't track 14 have to be on this list somewhere? https://linkinpedia.com/?title=List_Of_Unreleased_Songs

    Looking for an Answer, Out of Reach, or something never heard of, right? What else even is there?

    We'd never even heard of "Lost" before it was out. We knew the demo, yes, but the final song is so different it almost doesn't count. We barely even recognized it because the vocal hook had completely changed and had no idea it'd gotten as far and as polished as it did.


    I'm just one person and I make a minimum of 55 demos a year as a hobbyist (one a week!), I can't imagine what sits on LP's drives that they just haven't told us about. Most of it terrible, but some gold that just didn't quite shine brightly enough for sure.

  8. 2 minutes ago, RYG4R said:

    I know some bands do release a greatest hits compilation and include a brand new track recorded specifically for that release. So it's completely new studio recorded track and not taken from any previous recording sessions.

    I think the user is specifically talking about in the case of a comeback. Not just a new thing recorded specifically for the release.



    14 minutes ago, DylHDZ said:

    Would LPL and Martinez happen to know the Answer for Looking for an Answer? 🤔



  9. 7 minutes ago, LPLStaff said:



    Could they accomplish that with a recent studio recording of Looking for an Answer?

    They could-- I remember the last we heard about it was that Mike had in fact polished it up and done a recording but the rest of the band/maybe Mike himself too wasn't happy with it so it lingered. If they got over that hurdle, I'd imagine it'd be quite interesting.

  10. Track 14 being a surprise new single from the band recorded recently would be the biggest swerve.


    I'm not holding out much hope for that. But I can certainly dream. It would be a good place to re-establish something if you're not dropping an album soon. Like, "hey, we're active again, here's something we all like and are releasing as a statement of intent, see you next year". Or something.

  11. 29 minutes ago, leftshoe18 said:


    This is exactly what I’m assuming it is. Unless the reason Mike pushed out the last few Already Over sessions in quick succession is because there was a development in the Linkin Park world, I don’t see this being part of any sort of significant project.


    For whatever reason I always got the sense that Mike has been trying to stay "available" for whatever the past few months. Never going too far with his self promo. It's pretty easy to read into that, but he's definitely cooking something.

  12. Yeah if they decide to kick off a new era by releasing some of those tracks we heard about that were finished but didn't make the album cut (If i recall correctly) as a bridge for a new era, that would be a really good way of doing it. You can't say hello without saying goodbye. It must feel like shit having a ton of material you thought was gold as songwriters gathering dust and doing nothing. And not being able to work on it anymore. Not being able to share it and say "Here's what we made with our friend".


    My interest is piqued.

  13. The only way we get more official Linkin Park stems is if there is a remix competition in promotion for something.


    I could maybe see them doing this for M2M20.

  14. 16 hours ago, Coizu said:

    While a reunion show would be A+, I hope they wouldn't do it in secret since I am not a huge fan of surprise/hidden reunion shows. Give people the chance to get tickets to whatever festival/concert where it will happen and give them time to plan.

    When I mention promotional plans I mean letting the band announce it on their own terms.


    I'm not convinced this is what's happening, merely entertaining the possibility.

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